Jun 03, 2002 17:24
She called today. Left a message on my voice mail.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't ignore it cause it was her. I was just too hung over to get up and pick up the phone. Last night I was totally wasted, I was into my 3rd drink by the time Hashimoto and his friend...Asami...I think her name was, showed up. By the 6th drink, I've told them the whole story and they're both tellin me something about how I should talk to her and "not let this good thing slip through your hands". So then I tell the bartender to bring me another, and Hashi says "You've been drinking the same brand since we got here, is that what you were drinking before too?" and I'm like "Yeah, why?" and he says "Well, it isn't like you to stick to one drink all night long...you must be real hung up on her, even piss drunk."
And I'm wondering what the hell he's talkin about til I realize that I'm drinking that f*cking Guiness.
Dammit, why does crap like this always have to happen to me? I meet the perfect woman and then all of a sudden this bomb drops and I'm left standing there in the aftermath saying "What the hell?"
I should sleep, this is doing me no good and I have mandatory practice attendance tomorrow before the game. Great, she's gonna be there isn't she? With him. After all, he said she brings him to every game. And isn't she lying to him too, come to think of it? Hell, he didn't even know that it was me she was dating!