Jan 08, 2004 18:24
i forgot to mention:
-yesterday i went with doug to see mona lisa smile. it was really cute, i'd say. total "feel good" movie. it was so funny when it was over doug was all like, "it was really good, it's just that movies like that make me feel like a dick for being a guy." hahahahaha :)
-i'm so going to be super organized this semester! some changes i'm making:
1) getting a RSF membership...i'm DEFINITELY going 3 days a week (MWF)...no machines for me, though. i hate them. probably running on the track and maybe some dance/aerobics/etc. classes. that'd be fun!
2) at least 2 days a week i won't let myself eat junk at all the whole day! god that would be so great for me! cuz i know a lot of days i'm going to be tired and i'm just gonna eat like spaghetti-os or a frozen dinner, which isn't too healthy, and i really need to get healthier eating habits. since like last summer, i've lost a buncha weight i seriously can't afford to lose (yes, boo hoo). no but seriously, it's not good, mainly cuz i know it's cuz i eat horribly.
3) also food-related, i'm going to keep strict track of what i buy in relation to what i eat...like, i'm going to keep a list of what i have, and so i make sure i don't forget about stuff, and also that i only buy what i'm going to eat for sure. if i don't waste a lot, i'll feel better about making smarter but maybe less cheap choices in the store.
4) i really am going to get as much work done as possible like ON TIME. like i'm going to work a certain amount of hours w/ reading and stuff every day. (haha, i should have been doing that all along, i know, so sue me.)
5) also, at least once a month, i'm going to check all my account balances, and the cash on me. i'm not too great about that, mostly cuz i've never noticed a significant change to cause me to worry. but i'm more curious than anything to see exactly how much i'm spending a semester (i'm not predicting that it will be a lot-- i'm too cheap haha)
anyway, i think that's all i can think of for now. i'm really gonna try so hard, especially since this'll probably be my easiest semester the whole 4 years, so it's the perfect opportunity to work on my habits.