Jul 28, 2007 22:09
I just started working for The Noise (one of the two local papers in Flag) and my first article just came out today. It's on page 6 of the August issue, and given that it's a monthly, my article will be available for people to read in at least three different cities for the next month! So super happy, excited!
I have to laugh. The Lumberjack didn't re-hire me because they wanted me to take more classes (I think it had more to do with the fact my editor and I were icy from the start, but anyway...). Well, I was talking to my dad, and he reminded me of the saying "Living Well is the Best Revenge." I take that to heart right now, this is me proving that I'm not letting my first paper anywhere get me down. MWAHAHAHA! THIS IS SOOO COOOL!!!!!
I still have to get in touch with the editors, but it got published! I wrote a friend of mine on myspace and mentioned that I'd try to put it into my blogs so people can read it. I'll see if I can't do that tomorrow, but for now I just picked up a new dvd copy of The Devil's Advocate and Witches of Eastwick, so I'm going to go watch movies. YEAY! WHEEE! WHOOO!!! *Lol*