We all know how much I love taking quizzes, so when I saw
this quiz on
lespetitspois's page I just had to take it. Plus, I'm bored at work, and what better way to waste time than taking a quiz?
eXpressive: 8/10
Practical: 4/10
Physical: 4/10
Giver: 4/10 <
You are a XSIT--Expressive Sentimental Intellectual Taker. This makes you a Hellcat.
Yowza, you are fiery to be with. You're dynamic and volatile and a living roller coaster. You're also very attractive and immaculately groomed, so your target sex gets drawn in like a moth. You love the attention and never get tired of it. At a party you command attention, but you're a lightweight with alcohol and if you drink too much there can be trouble.
Like an XSYT, you tend to over-analyze things, so the slightest comment or action from your significant other can send you into a tailspin. Conflict with you can be either very productive or very dangerous. You are incapable of lying -- you have no guile -- and if your partner can't handle the truth, that's his/her problem, not yours. You are explosive when you're upset, but when the smoke clears you are right back on track with no ill will.
This is a highly effective way to resolve issues and keep them from brewing, but this can stun and hurt a partner with a more laid-back approach. You aren't angry later, but s/he might be. Make sure when you've gotten your satisfaction that your partner is satisfied as well!
You would never cheat. But combine your hot-blooded style with the fact that your partner is *attracted* to that style, and you've got a recipe for being cheated on. If you pair up with an X_YG (and that's not unlikely) you may get caught in his/her cycle of cheating. Make sure your partner feels appreciated and loved to balance out the fire of your approach to conflict.
If you're female, you're kind of like Evita or Teresa Heinz Kerry. I can't think of any famous men like this.
Of the 186142 people who have taken this quiz, 5 % are this type.
I like to think this fits me to a 't', with the possible exceptions of being a lightweight (I can hold my liquor...mostly) and being cheated on. Then again, maybe I just haven't found out. Yet. Certainly I tend to overanalyze and blow things out of proportion, which is why it's so entertaining when I'm first crushing or dating someone. Always something new to agonize over, always a new story of statements imparted to mull upon. When the passion fades, so do the stories; at least that's the trend so far.
Speaking of, they have a Better Boyfriend Quiz, too. I took it with the
last guy I dated in mind, to rather dismal results. Perhaps I should be glad I'm well shot of him?
20 Questions to a Better Boyfriend
Your boyfriend score is 71.
Could be better, could be worse. Time for serious dialogue. Time for a lot of things really: learning to do his own laundry, getting his oil changed on his own, paying for dinner. Decide now whether you want to spend so much time in dialogue with this guy.
And honestly--if your friends don't like him, and your parents don't like him, they might be on to something you're not. Consider strongly before making any special commitment to this one.