Jun 05, 2006 18:10
so i chaperoned my cousin's lil trip to chicago for her quiz team tournament. My god, so many smart kids in one room building.
teammate: omg its a nerdfest.
cousin: and we are a part of it.
other teammate: good heavens.
and they placed 16th (out of 128)! i was amused by the winning bonus question of one match: "Given the name of a Harry Potter character, give me the parents: Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Dudly Dursely."
Cousin got the max 30 points on that one. she was laughing like a maniac (and terrified her teammates). "She's insane... completely obsessed with a strange book." quoth one teammate. nyarhahahahahaha.... *g* yes they are unaware of MY obsession with the series.