Apr 01, 2006 21:58
I thought of this challenge a long time ago, like way before book five i think. Hence I still thought Snape was a pureblood snob.
Challenge (Snupin or Snack)
Remus/Sirius has decided to introduce his lover Severus to the dubious pleasure of horror movies. Severus is very skeptical about being terrified by "a mere muggle form of entertainment", but nevertheless is convinced (w/ or w/o sex) into watching a movie (Scream, the Grudge, Ring, or wat hav u) in the dark with his lover.
Later that night, Severus cannot sleep.. he's too terrified! How does he react? Jumping at shadows, refusing to enter certain areas alone...? How does his lover react? Does Remus pity Severus and cuddle him through the night? Does Sirius put on a Scream mask and jump out at random at Severus?