May 19, 2010 11:28
My supervisor and I had our little talk on Monday about me moving back State side. It went well, was productive and positive. The only unexpected thing was being told my replacement would not be taking my apartment. So everything must go. As I'd gone the past 2 years thinking there would *be* no replacement, there is no real change. Though these past two weeks or so I thought I wouldn't have to get rid of a fridge, washer and all that necessary stuff made me very happy. Well, the sup. and I went to the post office together to check out how much shipping was to the U.S, and what limitations there are on sending things. No real surprises there either. And I in fact have two boxes in the living room now waiting to be sent.
Monday night Adam and I went out to dinner and had a good discussion on what we should have cleaned, packed, or sold and by what date. That's a little more complicated as there special days for each kind of item being thrown out. So after our shed is cleaned out (by next weekend) we can put garbage from the apartment in there and wait for the appropriate days. The car will be gone by the end of July, hopefully before Adam goes home for Steve's wedding.
And here's the biggest decision: the apartment utilities will be shut down on August 9th, my flight home to Detroit will leave August 10th. *deep breath.*
Everything is lined up. Dates are set, I know what I have to do and by when. Adam knows to be around for a lot of the cleaning (there might be death in his foreseeable future otherwise). But I'm incredibly edgy right now. I find myself needing to stop and step back for a deep breath much more often. Is it possible to be so tense you make yourself sick? Well I have some releases. Rediscover my old angst music, seems to dispel it some. A little chocolate. Sitting outside in the sun during lunch. Play Evony a little less than usual, so I can do something else and feel productive before bed. But still. I'd love a punching bag.