Summer days, summer nights.

Jul 28, 2009 10:04

The week of good-byes has now past. I was able to say good-bye to Amanda, but I missed Hughar; he left yesterday for Tokyo to be with his wife for a month before he must return to South Africa. I hope he'll be able to find a job within that month, I really do, or it might get complicated. But now that those are almost finished (Stephanie doesn't leave until mid-August), we've truely hit summer.

Let me clarify what "summer" is, for it differs from what average U.S teachers would experience.  In the evening I must lay out my clothes, preferably hang them in front of a window, so they'll stay cool and fresh; if left on a sofa or chair by morning they'll probably be damp. So I sleep on my floor futons with a fan on high aimed at me, wearing the lightest and least clothes possible, because waking up in sweaty clothes is one of the worst feelings. When I do awake, I inevitably must un-stick my face from my arm. Then a shower, from which I never actually become dry.

Now, even in Japan where they have year round schooling, there is summer vacation. All that means is students don't have normal classes, they have "special" classes every couple days. I, however, do not teach those. Instead, I sit at my desk and do my damnest to 1) be/look busy and 2. not sweat.  Well, the first isn't so hard, as there is plenty of tasks I can do if I put my mind to finding them. I have a whole pile of potential projects sitting right next to me at this moment which I might tackle... eventually. But have you ever tried not sweating in 31 (88) degree weather AND try to dress "professional" WHILE getting things done?

Needless to say, I go through great lengths to find and emerse myself in air conditioning. I will spend my entire lunch break wandering around the local grocery store just to cool off and not feel sticky. I sometimes go to a resturant and order drink-bar and sit for hours. I know all of my friends who have A/C and plot how to invite myself over. I dream of A/C. I yearn for it. I looked into buying one, but even a window unit is $1,000+ and just not practical for my apartment.

The humidity began last week, as did "summer vacation," and it'll another month before it's gone. Oh save me.

Oh but by the way? If everyone hasn't read Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman yet, it's simply amazing, a modern Screwtape Letters even. As the cover says, "The Apocalypse has never been funnier."
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