*sigh* Shingo... (what I think everytime I see the kid)

Jan 07, 2008 15:26

So there is this guy, a senior student named Shingo. He's a larger japanese student, a bit heavy set but very strong, as he is captian of the Judo club and practices religiously. He is pretty outgoing, loves to pull pranks, wants to teach english to middle school kids (and he passed the university interview too, so he will. Man it makes me proud... and he gave me cheese cake. Not like what you're thinking, but literally vinilla cake with chuncks of cheese on top)

But here is what he wrote for his last exam with me, on how to solve global warming, and what he does individually to help the environment.

"...In order to do that, reduction of deforestation and promotion of forestation must be done. Photosynthesis makes more oxygen and less carbon dioxide. In my individual level, I intend myself to pay attention for the quantity of toilet paper. To do it is really easy, but needless to say, it is effective."

This is the same guy who told me this story...

*when I was young, maybe seven or eight, I wanted to make an omlette. I walked to the store. I bought some eggs and went home. I (did the motion for "cracked") the eggs into a bowl. But egg did not come out. To my surprise a chick fell out. (At this point I say "what?") A chick! (Me: oh-my-god. I then had to explain to the rest of the class a chick was a baby chicken. I asked "what did you do?!) Well, I decided to make yakitori instead. *

For those who don't know, yakitori literally means cooked chicken, or cooked chicken on a stick.

About two minutes later after much excited talking amoung the students I finally caught on. It was a joke. But hey, I wasn't the only one who was fooled! So where half the other girls in the class... I guess its not too bad to have the gulibility of a Japanese school girl.
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