Picture Post! (Click on the images/links to get to the full version of the picture)
First: My striped Socks! I'm wearing them right now and I'm very unwilling to take them off. They're really comfortable :-)
and another Picture of those They look like the toes are different but they're not. The jog is on the right side of each sock and I pulled the stitches too tight so the sock is slightly shorter on the right side, pulling the toes and stripes slightly toward the heel. If you look closely you can see my smallest toes, in the "green" one the toe is in the green "area" and in the "red" version it's in the first red stripe.
Here's what they looked like unfinished:
Here's my practice piece for the Victorian Lace Shawl, it's Regia Ringel Color (4ply sock yarn):
As you can see I don't own stitchmarkers, I used what I found in my desk and I have to say I'm quite happy using colored paperclips :-)
And here are my frighteningly pink Telekom Socks. They're big enough to fit over a regular pair of socks, so they're really more like slippers: