Pan Am

Jan 30, 2012 22:44

Okay, I love Pan Am.  It is full of fabulous ladies trying to figure their lives out and being actual adults, not old teenagers.  But, regarding Maggie's confrontation at the senator's fundraiser:  no, just no.  You can disagree with a person vehemently without resorting to calling them an "ignorant buffoon."  I'm sorry, but that's not brave or strong or courageous or however else the narrative tried to spin it.  Name calling is childish, period.  It is the last resort of the inferior position and a sign of a underdeveloped sense of the issues at hand.

I had so much hope of the show showing how a couple with vastly different political positions was able to succeed, and that's over now. -_-

In full disclosure, I actually did not watch the argument between Maggie and Random Donor in full.  I saw the beginning of it, and then the fight between her and the senator afterwards, but the kind of confrontations were everyone ends up looking like a jerk are one of the few things I hate seeing characters be put through, so I fast forwarded through it.  If there's more to it than what I took out, I'd like to know.
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