[Fic] Intertwine - Supernatural

May 25, 2011 00:46

Title: Intertwine
Characters: Castiel/Balthazar, Castiel/Dean
Rated: PG
Word Count: 500
Summary: I wrote this before the finale and it was fine.  Now, it's super depressing.

For a man who doesn't believe in God, Dean seems to pray an absurd amount, it seems to Balthazar.  Not that anyone wants his opinion of the Righteous Man. Though when you know an angel is going to drop whatever important task he's doing and wing his way down to Earth to deal with your idiotic mortal request, it's less like a prayer and more like a booty call without the benefit of sex.

Castiel would never leave his troops in the middle of battle, of course, but planning sessions are cut short and rescheduled.  Angels who don't sleep and don't get tired are told to take five. And this - the Titanic was a brilliant idea, and Fate's determination to stick to the script would have sent those 50,000 souls straight to Heaven to be funneled into the war machine. Now, because those two bozos couldn't leave well enough alone and Castiel can't endanger his precious Winchesters, the siege hull will stand empty, and the war goes back to the trenches, figuratively speaking.

All that Balthazar could forgive, but there's a true lull in the fight, both sides retreated, resting and regrouping to begin anew tomorrow.  Balthazar has managed to pull Castiel away from his troops and his worries for a micro-span to curl his Grace around his brother and have Castiel embrace him back. Communion has never been this sweet, edged as it is by the knowledge that their next chance might never come.

Castiel presses into him so eagerly, so desperate for a reminder of a time before he was elevated to General and so grateful to have at least one member of his former garrison by his side, decimated as it was during the Apocalypse.

Brother, Castiel communicates with a wave of photons that resonates with his core. Balthazar, I-

The communication ends, Castiel pulling back his edges, and it takes a second for Balthazar to realize that he's listening to someone else even as their Grace stays intertwined. He's listening to someone else while in communion with Balthazar, and one guess and no prize for who could have pulled his attention away.

Balthazar leans in closer, synchronizes so that he can catch the echo of the prayer. Dean doesn't sound like he's in agony or facing imminent death--just whiney.

Stay, Balthazar hums, close and loud as if that could block out Dean's prayer. Brother, Cassie, stay, now, while we have a moment to rest.

That's why I must go now, Castiel replies, while I have the time to spare.

And Balthazar wants to say that this isn't time to spare, because it's time with him, but he just disentangles gracefully--with maybe an extra brush and curl than strictly necessary in order to see Castiel ripple so delightfully.

Castiel gives a hasty goodbye that loses all meaning in the space between atoms that open up between them as he plummets away. Balthazar watches him go without protest. Dean is shiny and precious, but he's mortal, and Balthazar has millennia to spare. If they win.


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