jet-setting S.O.B.

May 23, 2010 10:08

So my summer plans include:
-moving out of my house and into another sometime in June, if not next week (!!).
-flying home June 3-7th to see 1)brother graduate, 2)Dad's first show of the season, 3)aunt and uncle, 4)sister before she moves to Georgia.
-returning home day before birthday, then camping that weekend
-flying to Vermont June 16-22nd for a conference and in all likelihood sleeping in a rental car
-returning in time to see Jaspal and Gina somewhere in California
-time at home to try to savor Reno and environs and get shit done
-flying to North Carolina July 13-20 to attend the big festival Transformus with Meredith and George
-potential trip to Washington early August to see Alison and Alan?
-August orientations for Fall semester
-back to school.

YE GODS. I hope the funds hold up.
Setting down to work at the flat I'm housesitting at. Just had some ginger tea, and there's an adorable kitten asleep on the desk. Last night I dreamed of getting to Michigan and falling flat onto the ground, grasping it for all it's worth.
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