Well there aren't any popups underground either

Dec 08, 2005 23:53

So it has been a while since I wrote anything of worth in here. I suppose it would actually be several months... this is the end of my 5th semester of college. I'm a little worried by how fast it has been going by, but I have good friends and people around me, so I can relax more than I could before. I suppose we should do a little recap...

At the beginning of the semester
- I was an EE major
- I was taking math
- I was kitten-less
- I was excited to graduate and work in the tech industry
- I needed a haircut

Now, at the end
- I am a Cinema major
- I just finished the final for the last of my 5 video game design classes
- I have a kitten
- I have a laptop
- I still need a haircut

I guess that wasn't that big of a deal. I mean, I still need a haircut after all, but when don't I need a haircut? I'm thinking I might let it grow out even more and just get trims on it so it doesn't look like complete shit. We'll see though, I'm a pretty lazy person. And I do love my kitten, she's amazing. A little insane, but she's a good cat.

I'm heading back up to Northern California next Wednesday, and I can't say I'm anything but excited. It will be nice to leave LA and go to a place that has weather. Rain, cold, whatever - I'm just excited for it to be overcast instead of sunny. There is far too much sun down here, I'm not sure I could deal with it for much longer. I guess it's typical for an artsy pretentious film student to head back up to the cold and bleak winter and find it inviting. I guess that's me now, my sad brokenhearted-robot threadless shirt just compounds the issue.

I've had a lot more time to listen to new music lately, which is really awesome. I've managed to find all kinds of cool stuff over the last month or two, and even go to a couple of absolutely fantastic concerts. All of this was at the behest of my checking account. Which is now empty.

This is also my first semester at college in which I intend to get higher than a 3.5 GPA. 4.0 anyone? We'll see how I did on that last 488 test. I'm really hoping for some outstanding grades this time, it would be the perfect topping to a pretty damn good semester. Did I mention that I got a laptop? Because I'm totally hyped about it. 900 bucks, 15.4 inch widescreen, 128mb x300 (like a 9600 pro). It got delivered to Oregon today so I didn't have to pay tax on it. It should be waiting for me up at my house when I arrive.

This winter break I am going to do several things. Read books, listen to music, hang out with friends, play some chess. Those are my goals.

I suppose we'll see how they go.
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