Lots of things going on. Life is flying by and I've been so busy at work. Every time I poke my head up, everything seems to be different and/or falling apart. I miss a lot of friends and even more, my family. Both my stepbrothers are going through a divorce. Both have children involved. Been there, not fun. I'm very thankful for how lucky I am in my own life. This weekend I'm going away to Vegas and I think the trip is much needed respite.
coworkers decided to grow beards for December. I decided to join them, even though we are a month late. It's good for team building and hey, maybe it will keep my chin warm out in the snowy Los Angeles weather.
Teaser trailer is out for the movie that I'm currently working on. Check it out:
http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810110273/video/23357683 I've seen the full film and it is very funny and we are working our asses off to make it look as good as possible.