Surviving yet another con...

Jul 29, 2010 11:03

Last weekend was Comic Con and once again I had a lot of fun and came away exhausted. I attempted to go to two panels and walked away in failure. Those lines are just insane. I wish con would do what E3 does and just film the damn things and let people watch it online. I don't need to be in the same room as everyone else. I took lots of pics and video that I might get to upload if I get some free time.

Work is a whole other matter. I'm really starting to not like my new position and there is talk about cloth and hair poaching me from pipeline. I'm totally ok with this if it doesn't piss people off, but I really don't think pipeline will let me go, unfortunately.

Starcraft II turned out to be worth the wait. I'm loving it. Haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I'm more of a single player kind of guy when it comes to my RTS games.
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