May 17, 2005 20:22
ok one of these rants is like a week old and one i've said befoer probably. ok so i just can't fucking stand when people go into stuff and complain b/c their little bitchs. like a livejournal its like ok u go in there fuck off if u don't like it ok thats a little too much swears. the other thing was about something at my school called Vocal Ensamble which was for the good singers in our school though not all of them are that great. but an way they were doing a play and the instructor lady went all crazy w/ schedules and junk and for like 3 months every member bitched and bitched and bitched and it was so annoying. all i say is u chose to do this u have to have the consiquences. also they were mad b/c they had no time to do stuff well when half of them are doing track and 3 other things no shit u won't have much time hey wait i got another idea quit something or will colleges not accept u cause u don't do every thing.
and this i kinda just thought of but i hate how b/c of one thing someone become such an annoying little bitch and abandon his friends b/c of that thing. damn it annoys me
and just so people aren't like oh u complain about everything but urself though no one reads this im going to complain about me yay well anyways what annoys me aboutme is that i can be a complete dipshito ok well sometimes when someones saying something onesided (even when i agree w/ them) i bring up the other side that people and then back it up and i sit there well saying that and say to myself y am i fighting this.
and something about american idol i don't really watch but for when there singing i have it in the background and i when someone sucky and then the judges say u sucked i find it amusing how the crowd boo i just sit there thinking guys they sucked stop being like gah we're stupid.
talking about amusing and stupid recently there was this guy that killed a cop u may know it or not but he killed a cop then jumped out a 3 story window well he has to where like a mask thing cause his face is all like bad. and when he was walking the mother was like arg my poor baby he can't show his face cause he was beaten by cops. and i sit there laughing out loud saying no it could never of been jumping out of a window 3 stories high i mean that leaves nothing hahahaha wow.
talking about funny and the news recently someone threw a grenade at the pres. while he was out of the country and i give bravery to the security gaurd that ran w/ the grenade but i feel it was kinda funny cause its like lets grab it and run still killing me and people arg.
also in the news there was a plane flying in a restricted airspace over the white house cause they didn't realize it was restricted b/c they didn't have a map well i got a way to prevent them flying there just put an invisible glass there so when there flying to close they just hit it and di then next time u'll remember to bring a map but u'd be dead hahahahaha
thank u thank u u've be be been a gre gre geat au au au audience