Mar 23, 2011 16:21
Lately, as I've been running, I've been listening to One Republic. There's a song in there that mentions the word "Trojan" and this has inexplicably got me thinking about condoms. Specifically, I've been wondering who came up with the brand name "Trojan". Don't you think that's an unfortunate name for a prophylactic? I mean think about it. Most people only know one thing about the Trojans -- they built a big wooden horse whose purpose was to sneak soldiers into the enemy city without the city folk knowing it. The trojan horse is an ingenious way of breaching defenses. Now consider what a condom is actually supposed to do -- it's supposed to stop the "enemy soliders" from getting into the "city". The last thing you want is for those suckers to sneak in somehow. You really don't want a Trojan condom. Maybe you want a "Great Wall of China" condom or an "Iron Curtain" condom. But not a Maginot Line condom, and certainly nothing reminiscent of dikes, which seem to only get in the news when everyone realizes how useless they are at keeping the water out. How about a Hoover Damn condom? I mean, just look at a picture of that thing -- it totally inspires confidence. Ain't a drop getting past that thing unless they want it to. Or how about a kevlar condom? Totally bulletproof. So many possibilities. Condom marketing is a wide open field of possibilities.