Title: Little Bit of Heaven
Pairing: ReitaxRuki
desastreparfait Warnings: Frottage.
Rating: PG-15
Word count: 167
Summary: Reita finds out that dancing isn't as bad as he thinks it is.
Comments: I was pretty free this week in comparison to the previous few where I was completely loaded, so I decided to produce this little drabble in my free time. Hopefully it's still up to my usual calibre after my obvious lack of practice. Enjoy! Comments are always lovely! 8D
Hips were gyrating on the dance floor to the heavy techno beat pulsing through the room in time with the rhythmic thumps of heartbeats. Every one of those people on the dance floor were moving to their own song, expect for a certain couple, not caring if anyone was staring. Hips grinded against each other in a desperate dance of mutual pleasure, soft fervent moans escaping their lips, before being swallowed by the other. The younger of the pair whimpered as his partner wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him even closer, grinding down harder than before. Their release was close, and both of them knew it. Harder, faster, with a wet messy kiss somewhere in between, and both men were crying out as they reached their climax together, tasting that little bit of heaven that just mattered so much
“That was good, wasn’t it Rei?” Ruki mumbled against Reita’s sweaty neck. Reita hummed in agreement. Maybe Ruki was right; Dancing wasn’t so bad after all.
A/N: Reita doesn't really strike me as the dancing type, but Ruki definitely does. Those hips of his.... *perverted thoughts- 8D