I finished the film score for the trailer for the film "STIFF" pending the approval of the directors. It took me a long time! I would say a good 20 hours. There was dialogue laced through it and finding the correct vibe and rhythm was critical for it to flow correctly. I went vaguely towards the direction the directors had me go but I went with my instinct and used many guitars in the recording (about 7 of them) and an iconic beat in the background that built to a crescendo towards the end of the trailer.
I now have the section of the Purgatory score to complete. I am almost done with the violin score (which I have been composing in random airports, planes and buses in my travels). The violinist is currently in China and should be back in February. Once she has the string section recorded I will cut segments and interlace it with effects and some lower registry instruments.
Once I am done with the Purgatory score I am going into the studio for my solo album production. I always understimate how long it takes to complete an album. Whatever I estimate the time it will take I should just times it by five.
One of the saddest things I have seen on television in awhile is the regeneration of the 10th Dr Who (David Tennant)
(you can view the scene here) . After watching 4 years of shows by David Tennant (and doing such a remarkable job) it's sad to see him go. I am optimistic that the new Doctor will have a different spin on the series. The biggest magic of the show is that it does regenerate.
I am going to be in NYC this extended weekend to spend it with my new girlfriend
Leonora. I suspect plans will involve dinosaurs and stars. On Sunday we will be attending a birthday tribute party for David Bowie.