Feb 09, 2004 01:33
Just finished watching West Side Story.
Correction: ALmost finished watching West Side Story except for Julia's labtop died so the movie has stopped right before Maria is leaving to meet with Tony at Doc's store and Maria and Anita have finished their heart-breaking duet.
So I don't even get the depressing ending. Just depressing ambiguity.Yes yes i've seen it and i know what happens... mais sin el fin... c'est triste. Oui.
That is a beautiful movie. Can I be Anita? She's like a 1950s J. Lo... only cool.
Forgot to mention earlier I have a campus radio show now! Woot! Woot! Yeah... from 430 to 600 in the morning! That's right you mothas! I'm sure I have listeners. Really I do. Actually, Paul who works in the bakery below Sevy calls every week to request Sublime's "two giants" - no fail. And John was kind enough to call in on my last show... and then go back to bed. Awwww. I love my friends.
I'm singing "Cool boy" in my room and driving my roommate out of her nutter. She is reading a book about pirates.
I will figure her out one day.
Should go to bed... going to look for a job in town tomorrow...
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a flying
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying
Dreaming of the irises sitting on my dresser....
Much love...