Jun 13, 2009 12:58
Yes, in German. We decided we'd cave and rather watch it dubbed than not watch it at all.
Some day in the far future:
- Why did you leave your home country?
- I just couldn't take it anymore.
- The general disenchantment with politics? The cultural and educational policy curtailing the soft sciences more and more? The high unemployment rate?
- The dubbing. *breaks down sobbing*
A lot has already been said about this movie, and I don't have to repeat it all. Great special effects, lots of good-looking young actors, decent writing. I absolutely loved Simon Pegg's Scotty, he got to me in a way TOS Scott never did. I did like Karl Urban's McCoy, even though I wish we'd seen more of him (imo they gave all the original main characters a certain amount of screen time just for the sake of having them in the movie, whether they were needed or not. Zachary Quinto is a god, even though I don't like a lot of what they did to the character. Pine's Kirk was as I expected, the rebellious struggling hero, all-American, and an insubordinate, immature arse (sorry, I just don't see in him what I saw in TOS!Kirk). And Uhura, sexy and confident as she was, turned from the capable officer we know from TOS into someone who uses her relationship with a superior officer to get a position (which is also something I do not like at all with their portrayal of Spock) and just leaves her post. Then again, everybody leaves their station at will except McCoy. Wait, he isn't stationed on the bridge? ...Everybody leaves their station at will. But since there doesn't seem to be any working military structure at all, with rules, seniority, or, *gasp* hierarchy, I guess that's fine. I just wish they'd told me at the beginning that this AU turned AU long before the first scene of the movie, which is why the characters are different, and not just younger, more immature versions of the TOS ones, and this Star Fleet is not a fleet at all, despite what it's called. Because in a fleet the suspended cadet who hasn't even graduated would not just be made captain of the flagship, being previously made acting captain or not (which is excusable, since there didn't seem to be any officers on Enterprise with her crew of several hundred people. Why else would a bunch of cadets hold all the important positions?). And that, as a rule, in this 'verse things don't have to make sense. Btw, Uhura did order Cardassian drinks in that bar, didn't she? Does anyone know if we even know the Cardassians yet?
Wow, this turned out a lot rantier than planned. I did enjoy the movie, a lot, really. And I will get the DVD. But I clearly don't see this movie as separated from TOS as I told myself I did. I guess I'm more of a trekkie than I thought, and TOS is closer to me than I realised. I'm afraid it'll take me a few more viewings to stop flailing at the screen every ten seconds and complain about the lack of rules, TOS!character, or plain sense.
Now. Anyone have any new!Scott slash fic?
EDIT: Ha, I knew it! First canonical contact with Cardassia is in TNG! Mistake, Abrams, mistake! Or you wanna tell me the destruction of the Kelvin changed that, too?
Also, I feel like such a geek right now.