So JHU is quickly coming to an end. Part of me dreads the end. There's a real good chance that I'll never see or talk to these people again. I'll miss my students, even when they stress me out, cause me to stay up late, work constantly in the lab, and stress me out to no end. It's a fun ride. I am glad it's coming to an end, too much of a good thing will definitely be a bad thing.
Sunday was a crappy day since I had to work on evals. All day, pretty much. Sunday night, we didn't do much for study hall. Just tell them to read. I also found out that several of the students got removed for doing something REALLY stupid. I am very disappointed and still in a bit of disbelief.
Monday, was a crazy-ish day. In the morning we had a speaker. The sound system was waaaay too loud and we couldn't fix it, grrrr. Afterwards, speaker gave this long and boring lecture on cancer. Interesting at some parts, but for the most part boring and monotonmous. I saw several kids fall asleep, even I blanked out at certain times. For lunch, we got those yummy wraps and chips and brownies. After lunch, the kids went to take a break and play outside. Somehow, there were no more cups for the water. I told the kids they shouldn't have thrown away their cups. One of the kids got a used cup out of the trash (not his, mind you) and proceeded to pour and drink water from it (!!!!!). Once lunch finished, we did a role-playing activity which was okay. Pretty good. Second acitivity sucked majorily. It was the one-hit versus the two-hit hypothesis. Stupid. Should've had more coordination. GRRRR.
Monday night, wasn't too bad. Forgot what we did, but afterwards went to go get ice cream. It was great. I got a chocolate milkshake and it was SOOOO GOOOOD. Yummy. I want one now. In fact I want a grilled cheese or better yet the Dinner melt combo from Jack In the Box. Yum.