"Poet rake the stings. Strike fire"

Mar 24, 2014 14:07

So this happened over the weekend:

Guthrie Tean Killed in Housefire

Terick was the eldest son of Earl Owen and Countess Genevria of Ansteorra. They were King and Queen of Ansteorra while Edward and I were Prince and Princess of the East. The two of them and I are not super close, for one thing they live in Oklahoma and don’t travel very much outside their kingdom, but we remember each other with fondness. Genevria just asked Edward about me at Gulf Wars a couple of weeks back. If you have ever heard me tell the story about trying to steal the White Scarves of Ansteorra for Pennsic 39 on Ogedei’s request… and then getting bagged for doing it, it was Geneveria (and Duchess Ebergardis) who caught me. She was very gracious about it, considering the amount of scheming the staff and I had gleefully been plotting about this. There is no question that she utterly outclassed me. She has a Southern Woman’s charm. Her White Scarves were completely devoted to her.

I met Owen first. I was seated next to him at my very first State Dinner ever at Gulf Wars. We were the only Prince and Princess in the room, everyone else was sitting King and Queen and I was intimidated as hell. Owen was friendly, engaging, guessed that I was freaked out, and put me completely at my ease. We traded Southern humor. Then he just stared at me, delighted, when I told the whole table about Cohousing and living in Camelot, and what we had done to get there. Later on he made a point of introducing me to his squire who was interested in the same thing. Owen is a big man. A BIG man. I am sure he must be god damned terrifying on the field. He is a fabulous and charming dinner companion who is clearly deeply smitten with his wife and his family. There were big hugs all around when we left the event and promises to meet at Gulf.

That Gulf Wars HRM Owen was ill, so ill he had to go to the hospital in the middle of the war. (Imagine being King and Pennsic and having to get carted away in an ambulance). Genevria took over so smoothly, if you didn't know what was personally happening to Owen, you would have barely noticed. She is a formidable lady.
She's also blind. Completely blind.

So the thought of her trying to get out of her house with her children in the middle of a fire, and not being able to get to Terick, and not being able to figure out what was going on and then finding out... and then being displaced from your home and the grief and the having to take care of your family in the wake of that... well, it's kind of fucking me up.

There are places where you can donate money to the family, and I am going to do that. Does not feel like enough though.

sca, passings

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