One Piece Ch. 587: I Will Not Run

Jun 08, 2010 20:44

Chapter opens with yet another awesome cover page. Yes, it does take a bite out of Dragon's badass factor, but at least we know this tattoo doesn't run the length of his body. You were wondering about that--admit it! 8D

OMG, SO LIEK THE KING LIED???? Dude, seriously--it's called "killing two birds with one stone."

Still not showing the king's face. Curious....or am I making too much of this?

And here's another question--what are all the nobles so damn ugly? They all must have the same family tree or something.

Luffy and Ace search desperately for a way out, only to be confronted by the walking, talking Darwin Award winner. XD

Oh, hell no. (¬_¬")

I guess Bluejam plans to spend that treasure in the afterlife or something. Didn't he just tell Ace & Luffy a moment ago that they were all going to die together? :v

Hrm. Ace is showing sense again. It must come and go, his sense of sense. XD

Funny though, how quick BJ was to side with those pesky nobles when he thought there was something in it for him~ ^^

Of course, Ace can never just keep his mouth shut. You have to wonder why BJ's opinion about Sabo should mean anything to him. Oh well, he's young.

I see BJ chose like-minded men to serve as his crew. Yes, let's use a sword on a 7 year old armed only with a pipe. Classy guys here, folks.

Also, it's interesting that Luffy received his trademark scar when he cut under his eye with a knife, yet a sword slash to the face leaves no lasting mark. XD

Ace.....has Haki?! Oh, bullshit on this. Why haven't we seen him use it before? Why didn't he use his Haki to negate Blackbeard's powers? At his execution? On Akainu?

Good grief.

Ace faces his impending demise....only to be rescued by Dadan. Wait, what??

Interesting. Bluejam calls Dadan the "boss monkey of Mt. Colbo." Surely she's not related to the Monkey clan. Surely not.


Oh Ace-baby. You' idiot.

Dadan decided to stand with Ace and help his dumb ass out. Hmm. She's sort of tsundere, isn't she?

*cough* I'd use the term "woman" loosely when referring to Dadan. Just sayin'. >_>

Well, he's not exactly wrong. Although I have a feeling that the only one overestimating his power is Bluejam.

Meanwhile, the residents of the Grey Terminal are apparently rescued thanks to a mysterious blast. Hmm....wondered how that happened....>:D

A few interesting things to note in these panels: first, LOL @ Dragon's ship being, well, a dragon. XD Secondly, Ivankov and Kuma are with him, which basically confirms Kuma's Revolutionary ties. Makes me even more keen to know what sort of deal Kuma stuck with the WG.....

And just like that, Dragon recruits some new members. But it begs the question, what exactly are they fighting for? Freedom, sure, but freedom from what--social inequity? Surely it runs deeper than that. Freedom from the entire WG? Hmm.

Also, brofist. 8D

While a large portion of his subjects are dying, the king sleeps peacefully. Mmm-hmm. :\

Of course, we all know Ace & Dadan are fine, but Luffy's concern is touching (and somewhat surprising--I mean, would you be worried about Dadan if you were Luffy??)

Even though Sabo's parents don't seem to particularly want him, they apparently don't want him to leave, either. Crazy. And Stelly, that little kiss-ass. I bet his new outfit will have ruffles or something. XD

So this is the day that marks the arrival of the Celestial Dragons. It also happens to make the day of Sabo's apparent solitary voyage. Will there be a confrontation between this young new pirate and the World Nobles? Why, what do you think~? ^^

^^ This chapter~

Lots and lots of interesting stuff. First things first, we have confirmation that Kuma and Ivankov have been working with Dragon for at least 10 years, although their goal isn't completely clear at the moment. This would explain Ivankov's surprise when PX-0 Kuma didn't recognize him during the Battle at Marineford. Which, as I mentioned earlier, makes me very interested to delve more into Kuma's reasoning behind his decision to become an (apparently) mindless tool of the World Government. What did the WG offer/threaten him with?

Also, we find Bluejam referring to Dadan as the "boss monkey." Too much of a coincidence, if you ask me--I figure she must be related to the Monkey family in some fashion--which, if this turns out to be the case, makes her treatment of Luffy (and Ace) to be all the more horrible. I just hope it isn't anything creepy, like she secretly married to Garp or something. God, my mind couldn't take it. (=_=;)

And now I also wonder what Sabo's voyage means in relation to the story. It's too much of a coincidence that he sets sail just when a crowd has gathered to welcome the Celestial Dragons. Does this mean he's going to be inadvertently drawn into a confrontation with them? A confrontation that he doesn't survive (and hence the crossed-out "S" on Ace's tattoo)?

Can't wait for the next chapter~! XD

commentary, one piece, anime and manga

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