Oh, those Landry sisters. They're just too cool! But one part in the original theme song doesn't make any sense: why will they only "never let [each other] go" because "everybody knows" that they're twins? Why wouldn't they stay attached to each other 'cause of something like love, or kinship, or even "sibling synchronicity?" Or do they really mean "[Just so] everybody knows, I ain't ever gonna let you go?" Why the heck am I analyzing this so much? I'm not even watching Sister, Sister. I can't even watch it--I don't have cable!
It's just as well. Without "cable" at Duke, the only channels I'd get are the Duke Academic channel, German TV, News 14, Carolina, and so forth. The ONLY normal channel is MSNBC. I don't know what I'll do!
I have no use for at least 3,000 of my scholarship dollars. If I could give them away, I would.
I (or rather, Soggy) finally got my Vegas pics scanned! But that was a million years ago, so I'll only put in a couple. Here's Erin and me:
And Grammy and me!
Oh, I'm so boring. But at least my icon's interesting! 'Tis Mr. Zwick's senior portrait. :)