(no subject)

Oct 03, 2003 14:21

Hmm. Do I have the energy to go to a day school tomorrow?

It does have Martin Thomas talking about French decolonisation. Considering he's currently researching French imperial policy in Syria, there should be something to indulge my TEL fangirl.

And there's what looks to be an interesting strand on the social effects of decolonisation in India.

The afternoon session doesn't look too interesting, though - 'When did the Empire end? 'Internal decolonisation' and British politics, 1945-2003'.

Then again, I do get in for half price, which means it would only be £17. And one of my course directors is organising it. (The other course director is doing a day school on the witch hunts - I'm really looking forward to that one!)

Decisions, decisions.

Edit: I'm booked on. I couldn't resist the French colonial policy in Syria. I am such a pathetic fangirl.
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