(no subject)

Feb 04, 2008 11:27

Dear fandom,

Why are you not crawling all over Pat Barker's Regeneration trilogy?

Because, you see, it's like Torchwood in a way. Except good. Booker Prize-winning good.

You have Rivers, an eminent anthropologist/psychologist who kind of wishes he'd been sexually abused by Lewis Carroll as a kid.

Rivers is in love with Siegfried Sassoon (but Sassoon is his patient, so Rivers manages to completely ignore this fact. His friends notice, though.)

Wilfred Owen is also in love with Sassoon.

Well, to be honest, everybody is in love with Sassoon. Something to do with the whole tall, handsome, courageous poet thing, I suspect.

Sassoon, however, is in love with his 'lovely soldier lads'.

And then there's Billy Prior. Billy loves Sarah Lumb, an awesomesauce munitions factory worker, but will fuck pretty much anybody who asks. Billy is a bisexual, class-climbing ex-rentboy officer who normally keeps his sadistic impulses under control. He is, unsurprisingly, quite amazingly fucked in the head. Think of your favourite fucked-in-the-head fandom character. Billy is more fucked in the head than that.

So go read the books. And then write good fanfic.

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