
Sep 07, 2005 02:20

Why do I feel so useless, sad, & depressed right now?


Why do I ALWAYS feel so useless, sad, & depressed all of the time.

I wish that I could figure out the answer to that question myself.

A lot of things are on my mind at the moment.Such as the the fate of millions of victims of Hurricane Katrina.I guess that it pretty much just hit me today.I mean look at Louisiana.Most of the cities in that state have now been reduced to third-world conditions.No running water, dead bodies lying around everywhere, the lack of proper supplies to the survivors, ect.At the fact that some ignorant assholes are taking advantage of the current situation by looting, shooting at rescue personal, and even raping and/or killing women and children.Hell, I got 2 younger brothers as well as a little sister.It makes me sick to my stomach just even think that people are capable of commiting such acts of cruelty in this type of situation.All I can say about those fuckers is what goes around comes around.And payback is gonna be a bitch.I wish I could do more to help out in this current situation be giving to the Red Cross.But, being broke & unemployed at the moment, I feel like that I am of no use to anyone because of this.

Another reason that I feel so depressed at the moment is because that I am realizing that I am pursuing a lost cause when it comes to telling a certain best friend of mine how I really feel about her as well as telling her that I love her.She is experiencing so much pain (emotionally & physically) at the moment as well as I am.And all I wanna do is to hold her and tell her that everything is gonna be alright.But I can't.She is with someone else and everyday that I don't tell how I do care about her and cherish her, a small part of myself dies.

I just gotta accept that she is with somebody else right now.And I have to move on to someone else.But, I can't.A part of my self won't let me.I don't know why either.I have never felt like this about a single girl in my entire life.

I just cant let go...

Even as hard as I try.
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