Jan 20, 2010 23:39
I'm not anti-authority. You know that by now, dear reader. I'm a follower. Maybe I'm a one that sometimes sounds like a leader, but I'm one to work behind the scene. I like reading about laws and legislation, and that's why I'm so obsessed with justice.
Now what's with the title, you may ask...
Here's the thing.
Since we're in a developing country, technology comes fresh in. Since we live in anti-technology weather conditions, things get a little hard to install.
The other thing is...the law doesn't work here as much as I'd like it to.
Here are the statistics and the facts:
From the 66% graduates from Shari'a high schools end up in teaching after taking up teachers' college.
From the 30% of the graduates that go into upper studies, 10% of which work to be judges.
30% of future judges change to other less demanding, info-packed jobs.
Can you believe how many judges we have per citizen here?
We have one judge for every 30,000 person.
At ideal conditions, there is a judge for every 2000 person. Most neighbor countries have one judge per 3000 person.
Every judge has about 800,000 cases a day to handle, and the number is steadily increasing 12% each year due to population growth.
Fact: Being a judge isn't even nearly as profitable nowadays. It's like Samurai with rice.
Fact: People aren't financially interested in helping out.
Fact: This causes many cases to be RUSHED!! Do you know how bad this can go? You can't rush judgment, and with all the pressure on speeding up trials, judges sometimes intentionally toss people to jail before reading the entire case, mostly because there are A MILLION EXACT CASES AND HE DOESN'T HAVE TIME TO BE IMPARTIAL.
This is wrong.
Fact: The king can interfere in cases, and sometimes suspend judgment. One said that "It's fine, since the king can only rule rightfully," and I shove it in his face. Nobody is above the law. This is the Shari'a, damn it! You are ruling and I put my neck at your feet, but you don't cross the red line (not like it was done before, but feel with me here).
Fact: I want to help.
Fact: I can't help. I'm majoring in management, and chances are I'm going to work in the private sector, and what good can I do while I'm there?
Fact: Now the situation is only becoming worse. The king pushed out 7-billion dollars into fixing the system, but there just isn't enough manpower to handle it.
Now, I don't EVER want to quote Sword of Truth, but this is Righteous Anger. I'm angry for people, and that's not just the faceless crowd, but also for the nights of the judges.
How horrible could their lives be, knowing that their situation is only getting worse?
What do I propose?
King Abdullah has already did what he's supposed to do. He paid out of the treasury to the people who are supposed to work on it.
I just pray that they actually do something, instead of waiting for three other years for changing a department's name...
Now why am I concerned if I don't do wrong?
Because people are being hurt by this system.
I know you, dear reader, may have more pressing concerns in your own country, but this really hurts me.
The Shari'a law doesn't pass judgment when there isn't evidence. If you don't have witnesses, evidence or just plain 'pictures', you don't get judgement. The case goes on. BUT THAT ISN'T WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW!!!
By the hells, immigrants who were RAPED and being punished. That isn't right, and the Shari'a knows it.
There is something wrong, and I hope it gets fixed.
The sooner the better.