دكتور أحمد خالد توفيق فى برنامج 90 دقيقة 1-2

Dec 04, 2009 11:48

See this guy? Yes, this guy right there.

This man is one of the prime factors in developing me, whether it be linguistically, culturally, ethically or educationally. I honestly wouldn't know how to write anything if I didn't read his works.

Who is this man? He's Doctor Ahmad Khalid Towfik, the author of "Behind Nature", "Safari" and "Fantasia" series, as well as other short stories.

He's the Arabian Terry Pratchett. A master in lampshading, and one of the very few authors I couldn't ever seem to grow out of. I can criticize a lot of things, but his books--they're so sincere and honest they're awesome, and I really feel bad for people who can't access it.

I do wish that I could translate a book to show you, dear reader, how truly amazing he is, and I will hopefully. Until then, I'm reading what I can find. Sadly, it's not enough as I want.

Argh. There aren't any subs. I'm sorry. It's mostly an interview on what kind of person he is.

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