With that turned on, I can talk about my life so far.
So, I'm back home.
*Is hiding his glee*
Yes, and my father got me an intern job at the Arabian Sun, a magazine for American/Saudi families who work at Aramco. It's all-English and stuff, and I am supposed to write articles to this multi-cultural environment.
As for today, I apologize to Andi for not being on as frequently as before. There's just so much to do here. :/
And how did you find my Youtube account...? *Ponder* I like yours though. Lots of music.
As for TJ, I herd yuo liek mudkipz
And I understand. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Hell, George Bush loved Mudkipz, and look how great he's--
No, wait.
What matters, if you're angry at me, I understand. I have the right to know why, though. If it's something in me, I can fix myself.
Strangely, I feel very...transparent.
I drove with my father's friend's car. <-- could have been worded better.
All the way out town, in the crowds, and quick-- I felt...powerful. I know how to drive, I know how to shoot, I know how to play the piano (I am very humble about it, to clear my name) and I have lots of friends. Now that I look back at it, life isn't that bad at all.
It's in our nature to look to what pains us more than what comforts us. Now that I'm back home, where I can hear "Aatha'n (the call to prayers)" and see people who dress in a civil way (Yes, I'm looking at you, bra/short-clad fugly girls in Boston square). The more a person dresses, the more sophisticated and thus cultured they look to me.
"Eat what you wish, but dress as others dress."
Those are wise words to building a culture. Things that are limited to you are your choice, if they do not negatively affect those around you. As human beings first and as intelligent beings second, we should see how we affect everything around us. When in the privacy of your room, do what you wish, save something that might extend beyond your boundries society gave you.
Yes, all of us were given boundries. I, for instance, in Boston, am able to wear whatever I want, as long as I'm not naked. Why so? I should not step from my boundries to the boundries of the government (Such as stripping in a public library). It's not "I do what I want to" as much as it is "Do not do this in our property".
The differences of boundries and their limits is in each culture, of course. In Saudi Arabia, you cannot walk bare-chested (men) unless you're swimming, or in private property. The national suit (The thobe, which looks (and rhymes :P ) like a robe ) doesn't give you much of an option to walk bare-chested in public to begin with. With women (Of course you heard, from Operah, some anti-Islamic channels and even from the internet), their boundries are tighter, because women influence men much stronger (and quicker) than the opposite. The boundries are not one-way, though, there is a rule called "Turning the Eye" which states that a man should not gaze at women whom he is not familiar to with blood.
Of course, boundries can be insulted. They can be called suppression of rights. But we all know how cheap and effortless speaking is, opposed to, say like the results of multi-cultural environment interaction.
Oh, while I'm on that subject: Ever notice that the more a country is populated by foriegners/people not of the original culture, the more crime rates it is? I'm not speaking only for those who come in, but also those who come from the country. Some do not accept, and some are just innocently ignorant.
People do not like to feel different.
People do not like to be in a different environment.
They want a one that understands where they come from.
If I said this on an essay, my idiot of a professor would go, "This is subjective, and is your opinion". Well, WHATEVER THE FUCK I SAY is subjective. I'm not SUPPOSED to be objective while thinking. I'm supposed to be objective while debating, or taking formal stances, but when I speak my mind, I SPEAK. MY. MIND.
Sorry for the outburst.
But if it comes down to this, and someone feels "insulted", I won't say "Suck it up", I'm going to say, "That's what I feel."
--End nerd rage
I'll update things as they come. *Sweet smile*