Life Blabble...

Oct 30, 2012 05:09

Halloween is in a couple days, so I might as well post the image I worked so hard on. Woot! I had this silly idea of making postcards or posters of it, and send them to friends as a cute Halloween gift, but after I completed it I just stopped caring. This stupid artwork took me forever to colour, and it felt unbearable. I thought I wasn't gonna complete it in time, but when I did I didn't wanna make postcards or posters anymore. I'm sick of looking at it and I just feel sad. It might have been over 40 hours of colouring alone, which is pathetic for an artist on an image as basic/neautral as this one. I'm fearing the same will happen to my next art project, being a personalized Christmas card.

Life stuff hasn't been the best lately. Not the worst, but just overall disappointing and/or sad. I lost 2 mewy auctions earlier this morning, which was hard to get over as usual. The feeling of losing such auctions feels unbearable to me, and I envy the many collectors who can easily shrug off such losses and be all like, "I'll just find it again later". I never feel that way, I always feel completely terrible. I wish I didn't feel such things, like most collectors, but I do. I take the losses very personally. I also didn't end up getting the PetSmart job I was applying for, which to be honest was worse than losing the mew items. I tried applying to the new store that's opening in my town, close to home, and never even got called for the interview. It was the one job I wanted so fucking much, because it was related to something I give a shit about (animals). When I called to ask about it, they said they would maybe hire more people once the store opens and business ends up being good, but that still doesn't boost my chances much. I felt so completely hopeless that day, and even still feel that way to an extent.

Since the hurricane Sandy shit that's been going on, our Halloween (and many other's) will most likely be canceled on Wednesday, which is more depressing and shitty news. I was looking forward to it, and even though my friends and I will still be hanging out and watching horror movies, I feel so bad for the kids that most likely can't go trick-or-treating. I also might not be able to carve my pumpkins, since if Halloween in canceled I won't be able to keep my pumpkins outside all lighted and whatnot. However, with regards to hurricane Sandy, I still feel very thankful because everything could be a lot worse weather-wise. Today we had heavy rain and wind, which was scarey but not life-threatening. Apperently there was a death due to flying debris in Toronto though, an hour away. I'm lucky enough to live in an area that get's the ass-end of any North-Atlantis hurricanes, so barely anything remotely serious... unlike many other places around the world that get worse natural disasters. I just wish the hurricane scheduling was taking place off holidays!!

Collecting-wise, I've been stressed out recently due to new items coming out every which way, and it's becoming unbearable!! The eeveelution storm is... I litterally am at loss for words with the whole thing. I tried soooo hard to keep up and preorder as much as I could, but I ended up falling behind and am afraid I lost out, which I'm gonna regret of course. I was able to preorder most of the small I<3Eevui keychain plushes, except 2, and I preordered the Kyun-Chara set 1 and jolteon/flareon DX plush, but after than I just fell completely behind. I think I lost out on 1 full set of plush, and another set is for sale but it's too enpensive. I also lost out on a bunch of other pokemon items I wanted and now I'm scared that I lost my whole chance, which is terrifying!! It's so so stressful and I dunno what to do, because if this keeps up I'll have no money for Christmas. I'm so upset about this, and about missing a TON of items over the last 1-2 years, including a massive amount of MPC's.

Other small things going on is that I've started hanging out with my boyfriend's guy friends more often, almost all the time. Kate and I started hanging out with Calum more, since he's not working anymore, and their other friend Marc. It's been really fun though, for the most part. Kate and I joined in on RPing with the guys, playing a game called Anima every other Saturday. It's been pretty fun so far, even though I suck at RPing. Calum said something that really irked me earlier today though, even though I know he didn't mean to. I was basically telling a ghost story and just told the guys to "go with me", cause I know they didn't believe in paranormal stuff. But then after I was done my story, Calum said something that offending me, stating in a strange tone that he downright doesn't believe in what I was talking about. I told them both to just go with the flow, but he had to make a point that he believe I was full of bullshit, which was really unessessarry. I try hard to respect people's beliefs (or disbeliefs), but yea. Basically he unknowingly bashed my beliefs, in which I THOUGHT I told him not to by stating to go along with my story, at least pretend it was true just for a moment to not be a dick. I think he was just being a typical "guy" and not thinking about what he was saying/doing. I know I shouldn't hold a grudge, but it just offended me a LOT.

Lastly, I'm super disappointed about the new Silent Hill 2 movie. I know the first one "sucked", but I liked it and was really looking forward to the 2nd one coming out, a great flick to watch for Halloween. Well, Kate and I tried to plan it for Sunday but our plans fell through. I tried looking for a review online and then found the awesome news that apperently the new movie sucks balls. I know you can't always trust reviews, but still. Apperently the 2nd one once again defiles the original story from the games (not like I played the games or knew the story inch-by-inch anyways, but still), but I heard certain things happened that really makes me upset that the director... fucked shit up. Fucking disappointing.

Yea, TL;DR, life is sorta sucky lately. Pretty generally depressing, disappointing, and/or sad. ;___;

movie, auction, halloween, life updates, pokemon, mew, jobs, artwork, silent hill, eeveelution, hurricane, weather, collecting, merchandise

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