Verbal Fart-Fest

May 21, 2012 07:02

Wow, long time no post. I'm supossed to be in bed by now, but I keep putting journal-writing off and I just need to get it done. Feeling really bleh right now, so I just wish I could clear my head.

First thing I was supossed to write about was my friends birthday, which was actually on April 23. That fell on a Monday, but a few days prior on Friday we decided to have a nice get-together. Her (Kate), Ryan and I went to The Keg, a super expensive fancy steakhouse that we neeeever go to. I had gone to it once and remembered it being super delicious. Kate's fav food is steak so I told everyone we should go, just because it's her fav food and it was a special occassion. When we went, all went awesome. The food was delicious, as expected, and Kate really loved it, which made me happy. Afterwards, we went to the Legends Center to go swimming at the public pool. It was a great day, so she had a good little birthday party. For presents, I got her a new scanner and Ryan got her a lightbox, for arts.

Anthrocon news, it's less than a month away now, and not going smoothly as I hoped. The three of us had pre-reg'd and also signed up for Artist Alley on Friday, but then shit went down and basically ruined everything. Ryan and Kate had booked the weekend of the concention off, but then Kate was scheduled to work anyways, because she's being forced to train some new assistant manager at her store. She's tried to get out of it but apparently there's no one else to do the job and nothing she can do. At the moment none of us are sure if she can come to AC with us, but she's trying to find a way to come still, even if for some of the days. If she's unable to come, Ryan and I were planning to go anyways, because our friend Androo has the hotel reservations and we don't wanna just ditch him. I can only pray to God that shit can work out and Kate can come with us. With all thr problems, I'm actually NOT looking forward to AC as I should be. I really wish I could be more excited but there's so much on my mind that bothers me. I tried opening badge commissions on FA but no one is interested, which is embarrassing!! Unlike last year I was only gonna do 1 day in the AA, but that means I'll get less money, if any at all. I have no idea who I'm gonna get to see at AC, because I don't really have any friends. All I have are aquaintences, but I doubt many of them will wanna hang with me and my tiny gang the whole time, if at all. I just have no idea what's gonna happen, and I wish I could be more excited about going to AC. I'm more worried than anything. :C

A piece of good news that made me explode though. Last month I found out SKRILLEX is doing a Canadian tour and coming to do a gig in Toronto!! When I found out, I fucking flipped the shit!! It was great. Tickets are opened but I don't have mine yet. I'll hopefully be ordering them soon, but I also need to make sure Kate can get the time off work. The concert starts at 4:00pm so we would need to leave like, about 2 hours early. Skillex is doing his tour with a bunch of other electronic EDM musicians, but I dunno who they are. I need to invest some time and check them out so I can be better prepaired. I'm pretty confident I'll like most of their music anyways. I know the concert should be a fucking blast, so I hope I can handle it!! I just hope Kate can get a few hours sliced from that Friday shift.

Speaking of more awesome, I got to see the Avengers a few days ago on Friday. Obviously wicked, and funny!! Kate and I are gonna be seeing it again sometime soonish. We sorta left before the 2nd ending, thinking the first ending was it, haha. One of the best things about the whole film was when the fucking alien flying whales came through the portal. Since I'm in loooove with monsters and beasts, my whole face lit up like a retarded Christmas tree, lmao. Kate had her O-face on when she saw them, but since she knows me all too well, she glanced over at me to see my reaction, and finds me literally with my eyes wide open, mouth all the way open and slightly grinning. Like I saw the best thing in the world!! XD Then we lol'd cause I was in love, and my face was hilarious. All throughout the whalien scenes I was whimpering to myself, "MY BABIES!!! I LOVE YOU!!". So fucking cute, I loved them.

Pokemon collecting has been sucking still, at least in my opinion. Thought I was getting a dumb mew metal figure, and acted like a stupid excited retard in a UStream chat, then got outbid. It was bronze, which isn't that rare, and went for over $20. I quit right then, and felt shitty even though I shouldn't have felt that way. Then later, a rare gold mew kechimon figure was in a sales post, but was being sold for a lame $12. Missed that too. Anytime I continuously miss mew items over and over again, it all builds up and I start to feel more shitty, when really I shouldn't feel so bad. Losing both mew figures really got to me, but I tried to hold the bad feelings of sad back. Later on I hung out with Kate a bit and told her about it, and how I felt stupid for being so overconfident and excited about the bronze mew metal fig. I was embarrassed, if people saw I didn't win it when I was so confident I would, and think of me as lame. Kate told me I shouldn't feel any of those things, and that I should actcually be proud of myself for stopping bidding when it went too far for me to handle. She aggreed that over 20 bucks for a bronze metal figure was too much. I still felt bad but actually hearing her tell me I did a smart thing made it a bit better. A bit of good news though, I won a beautiful painted mew illustration and recieved it in the mail recently. I wanna get a frame for it at a later date.

Pokemon #151 by *Kitten-Kites on deviantART

I think my Tumblr has been going really well lately, since starting to use it. I've actually been able to keep more up-to-date with it and posting as frequently as possible, moreso than most other places!! It's that east to use I guess, so I can quickly submit photos or artwork without having to... do anything, lol. Twitter on the other hand is pretty boring I find. It's like... people tweet shit, and it's boring, and there aren't as many pretty pictures, lol. I'll keep my Twitter of course but I just have no need to use it, especially when I have barely any friends, or aquaintences that care, which is ok. To be honest, not many people give a fuck about my shit on Tumblr anyways, but whatever. I think posting my shitty art on there is still a good idea. It's so shitty I can't post it to my other art sites, so it needs to be dumped somewhere. And it's fun.

I've spilled enough for now. More happened but it's not important enough or I don't remember. I need to go to bed, and I hope I can feel better. I've been depressed/stressed/anxious lately, I just wish I could feel better. Bad feelings suck ass.

movie, tumblr, life updates, pokemon, mew, friends, anthrocon, ac12, collecting, skrillex, music, concert, birthday, convention

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