http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d115758345 I needed to post this, great mew auction that needs some love guys. It's sorta like a party/wall decor that you can hang up, in the same manner as hanging up a calendar. I have one on my closet door and it's awesome!! Someone srsly needs this, give it a home. They also rarely show up for auction.
Also, Mew and Pikachu are frikken' bros. - w -
I also just snagged myself the charizard inflateable toy, which is pretty uncommon/rare. For a base frice of only 200 yen, right from under someone else's nose. It was meant to be, I didn't even try/care/bleh. When I get him, he'll go great with my mew version!
I need to go to a pet store and shop for a new bed for Crissy. Apperently, she got pretty depressed after I cleaned her tank, because I "wrecked her beddy area". Basically she slept behind her fern plant, and had the plastic wall foliage pulled down and overtop to create a little comfy... area. However I wanted to put the plants back up where they shoulda been. I can really tell she's depressed over it, because she's so desperate to hide she'll dig as much as she can under the shavings, but it's REALLY pathetic... you can still see her long back. The thing thing is... she HAS a hide, the tree stump, but... I guess she can't fit in it anymore or it's not good enough for her. She kinda lobbs out when she tries to hide under it, and she certainly looks miserable. *sigh* I feel bad for her... So I need to go bed-shopping. I wanna get her a rodent hidey, something dark and big enough, and I wanna fill it with dead sockies, fluffy rodent shavings, or... even a little blanket. She LOVES warm fuzzy blankies, I wish I could get her one, and put it in her hidey. Make her the best bed eva. <3
... My icons are actually pissing me off now. I just can't live with 6, I need a sub soooo badly. Scoo... T^T