Tagged by Kaji~
atrypical Comment to this post and I will give you five subjects/things I associate with you. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
1. Devil May Cry
2. King of Fighters
3. Writing
4. Snowboarding
5. JPop/JRock
1. Devil May Cry
One of my first major, major fandoms, and one that will always be near and dear to my heart, despite its ups and downs with me, especially where writing a certain red-clad half-devil come in. *glares Dante* I've been writing fic/RP for it for about....four years now? I was a junior in HS when I started getting into it...yeah, that'd be about right. Most of it's really craptacular OC-insert fic, but lately it's been OC-insert and crack crossover.
I blame Quin and Sarah. :|b
2. King of Fighters
Heh. KoF's one of my favorite video game series, not only for the playing system, but also for the characters. There's so many of them, plus SNK's pretty good about giving them variety in terms of personality. Although timelines get a bit confusing (Fuck you, Falcoon. B|), it's still a fun series and one that I love writing/RP'ing about.
3. Writing
A good amount of my entries here are somehow related to writing in one way or another. I love to write, honestly, when I have artists' block, I usually end up writing, and vice versa. It's a weird process, but it works out. Also, my eventual major (Communications Studies) involves quite a bit of writing, so I might as well get used to it.
4. Snowboarding
...really? |D I'm not very good at it, but I do like to snowboard when I get the chance. Plus it looks cool. And now I"m thinking about the snowboarding minigame in FFVII. FFFFFFF.
5. J-pop/rock
DIR EN GREY FTW, BITCHES. >D Although my tastes in music are steadily coming back home to the US, I still love listening to Japanese music. Not only are some of the best lyrics I've ever heard (translated) from J-music, but also the fact that it's really helping me with learning Japanese as well. 8D
Another tag by Vamp
fightingoutside 1. King of Fighters
2. K'
3. Sheva Alomar
4. Squall
5.Leon S. Kennedy
1. King of Fighters
See above. |D
2. K'
One of my favorite characters from KoF,
K' is a
leather wearing jackass with
pyro powers. Unwillingly forced on him, actually. I could ramble about this kid forever and ever, to be quite honest. Despite the fact that he's a jerk, he's really fun to write and is just epic and badass. And as much love as I have for Kyo and Iori from the same series, I truely fell in love with the series after K's debut. I actually roleplayed him for a few months over at
dramadramaduck under the username
crimson_star_rd . During which time, he made nice (somehow) with the Metal Gear Solid crew, espeically Raiden (hence the icon) and Raging Raven (Which is why I have them as a crossover!OTP). And he and Vamp would have epic snark matches, because K' thought he was a creeper (also true of Raikov, mostly because Raikov would try hitting on him and generally creep him out. Y-yeah. Good times. |D The MGS crew inspired me so much that I'm planning on writing fic where K' helps out the crew during MGS4.
3. Sheva Alomar
R-really? :D Well, I already claimed her over at
the_fucking , and the fact that I have had an RP account for her since...November? Y-yeah. I've loved her ever since she first showed up in the trailers. She looks like an amazing addition to the already-strong female protagonist cast in Resident Evil, especially after watching some clips from last night, I can't wait to RP her in a few weeks. THE WOMAN PULLS A HURRICANARANA AS A CO-OP FINISHER.
4. Squall Leonhart
...uh, yeah. I dot a lot like Squall? |D I don't know.
5. Leon S. Kennedy
Hee. Leon's been one of my favorite RE characters, and I decided to bring him over to DDD. It's oddly easy for me to get into his head, but hey, that' how it goes, right? Plus, SUPLEXES. 8Db
Tagged by Ziri!
wolfieziri 1. Nero
2. Leon
3. SNK
4. Iori
5. Zombiiiiiiiieeees~
1. Nero
As much as I like Dante, Nero's been a character that kinda corresponds to me quite a bit. :3 I love writing him. A LOT. Even moreso than Dante, to be quite honest. The guy just seems to click with my personality and speech. He's still a snarky asshole like Dante, but he has his own charm. Mostly the fact that he has more...personality that shows than Dante. |D
2. Leon S. Kennedy
"MEEEESTER KENNEDY." *THROWS KNIFE, TWITCH* Hee. Leon's got a troupe of lolis and weirdoes following him. No, I am not kidding. TU!Haseo, TU!Mary, OU!Beyond Birthday, etc. Poor guy can't get a break sometimes. >>;;;
3. SNK
Yaaay, both KoF and Garou can count in this. :3 Garou is one of my favorite fighting games outside of KoF, and is the debut game of Rock Howard. SNK is probably one of my favorite companies when it comes down to fighting games, easily.
4. Iori Yagami
I play this guy at Crucible, and he's easily the mainstay nutjob of the KoF series. He's really fun to write, especially considering he's somewhat of a departure from my usual badasses. He's nowhere near as stable as Leon, Kyo or Yuusuke, and it kind of gives me some variety with my characters.
5. Zombiiiiiiiieeees~
I am constantly pinged by mention of zombies in any chat. It is all my RE muses' fault. I'm also known as the resident zombie asskicker of Template, considering I have Leon there. My usual reaction to the mention of zombies is to either grab a shotgun, rocket launcher, suplexing the zombie, quoting MC Chris's commentary on RE4, or donning my asskicker shades. It's quite hilarious.