Jun 11, 2005 02:30
Bold statement coming:
Grand Buffet is the most entertaining group I have ever had the pleasure of seeing perform live.
Some highlights:
-They just got a MySpace and are hell-driven to get more friends than Billy Corgan. If you're lame enough to have a MySpace, add their asses. myspace.com/grandbuffet
-Midway through the show, someone bought them both shots of Jager.
Lord Grunge: "We're not gonna do any more songs. We're just gonna sit on the stage for 12 minutes while we drink Jager and tell you to go fuck yourselves."
-Grape-a-Don gave a long-ass speech about how the new pope's weakness is apple Jolly Ranchers, and if you can get past the CIA and the Illuminati in the Vatican, you'll see bishops fileting babies with laser swords and thousands of apple Jolly Ranchers.
-(Gesturing towards the amplifier) "This is the Grand Buffet robot. Everyone say 'Hi' to it. It has the unique power to smell exactly like a car when it gets angry."
-"If you guys haven't heard of us before, just imagine the bassist from 311 mouthfucking a dog. Then the dog swallows P-Nut's semen, and he walks around on his hind legs and can play bass better than anyone. That's what we sound like."
-Grape-a-Don was sweating a lot. "God, this vegan deoderant works for like 10 minutes, then my pits smell like a paper bag full of shrimp and Dorito-puke."
-"It's not gay if your balls don't touch"
-"We're Greenpeace Barfwolf. The name of our new album is Greenpeace Barfwolf. This club is called Greenpeace Barfwolf. Anyone who tells you different is a fucking terrorist."
Oh my God. They WILL be at Beloit. It's in the works.