Noodle Pack 10: Well it is a holiday, isn't it, pal? [0% Droned]

Jul 05, 2011 00:29

[It's another day in Mayfield alright. Well, except it's the fourth of July. So that means no work for Gumshoe to go to, for one thing. And to be honest, he does enjoy a holiday like this. So what if he's stuck in a crazy suburban prison? Might as well try and make the best of it for today.]

[Action | 1449 Mitchell Road]

[Gumshoe is actually up like usually, hard to change habit after all. But he figured since he's up, he'd make some food for his not!Family. If anything, it sure would be good to show Ness that they _do_ have food here.]

[Action | Around town]

[If you run into Gumshoe today, you'll see him pretty chipper and upbeat. Making small talk with anybody who talks to him, even the drones. He mostly seems to be running errands here and there if anyone asks, but he's also checking to see if there's going to be fireworks later.

He's also carrying a small bag with him. Turns out he found a good deal on sparklers and any time he sees some kids, you can see him offering them some of the safe fireworks to play with today.]

[Pretty much everywhere]

[All in all, Gumshoe is just being Gumshoe. Which, if you watch him for a bit or think about it, it isn't actually much different from your average drone. Maybe you should talk to him be sure? But then, what if he is?]

gumshoe being gumshoe, event, free sparklers, derping around

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