More Anti-OTP, Theo/Zara

Oct 30, 2005 17:17

Typist: Just posting last night's IM log.

[23:07] DevilKestrel: *is apparently still sitting on his bed here too, looking awkwardly at the floor*
[23:08] BitterRusset: *glowers at nothing and picks at her sleeve*
[23:08] BitterRusset: Getting on all right, are you?
[23:08] DevilKestrel: *shrugs* Well enough. What about you?
[23:10] BitterRusset: I'm fine. Busy. I like that.
[23:12] DevilKestrel: Oh, good. *grins* I've not been particularly busy.
[23:13] BitterRusset: Lazing about, hm?
[23:16] DevilKestrel: *shrugs* Yes. Drawing a lot. *gestures at the floor* As you can see. If Mickle were about, 'm sure we would be off adventuring, or something.
[23:16] BitterRusset: She run off on you? *stretches herself*
[23:18] DevilKestrel: I'm sure she's around. I just haven't seen her lately. *tiny grin* Knowing her, she'll jump on me when I least expect it.
[23:19] BitterRusset: Wives like to do that, I hear. *kicks at papers, a little listlessly*
[23:19] DevilKestrel: *curls up* Well, Mickle does. *shrugs* Oh well, not much I can do about it.
[23:20] BitterRusset: Y'like being married?
[23:21] DevilKestrel: Most of the time, yes.
[23:21] BitterRusset: Looks boring. Takes everything out of it.
[23:22] DevilKestrel: Mmph. Not with Mickle. *should really stop talking about his wife, as this IS anti!OTP, but -- whatever*
[23:23] BitterRusset: *hahawearespreadingdissolutionthough!* Yes? *defiantly*
[23:25] DevilKestrel: *yes!Andthey'rebeingcivil.Whichisastart.* *shrugs* Doesn't matter.
[23:26] BitterRusset: Do you miss her or what? *pokes him almost gently* Hell.
[23:32] DevilKestrel: I do. *tiny smile* Yes, I do. Must I talk about it?
[23:32] BitterRusset: No. Just wondered. I don't miss Florian. *defiant again, probably because it's probably a lie*
[23:34] DevilKestrel: 'F course you don't.
[23:37] BitterRusset: *a slight tense pause, that almost burns and almost wavers, and then, suddenly, for no reason,* Well?
[23:43] DevilKestrel: Well what?
[23:43] BitterRusset: I don't know what the hell what. You say something.
[23:44] DevilKestrel: Um. ......Shall we talk about the weather or something? 'S cold here, or at least the girl says it is. I don't think it is.
[23:44] BitterRusset: It is cold. Damn' irritating.
[23:46] DevilKestrel: Well, this girl thinks 60 degrees is cold. I think she's insane.
[23:46] BitterRusset: You're the one who's crazy.
[23:46] DevilKestrel: Alright, so I'm crazy. *grins*
[23:47] BitterRusset: *leans forward to poke him* Don't you smirk at me, you--
[23:47] DevilKestrel: *leans back* Why not? *took annoying!lessons from Keller, probably*
[23:48] BitterRusset: *leans closer, and more intently:* Because you're a damn' stupid fool, and it's not worth the breath it takes to argue with you--
[23:53] DevilKestrel: *leans back, but is against a wall, oh dear* *continues smirking, while raising an eyebrow* Go on.
[23:53] BitterRusset: Don't you dare look at me that way! *draws her hand back to slap him, probably not very hard*
[23:56] DevilKestrel: *looks innocent* I'm not looking like anything!
[23:57] BitterRusset: *slap!* Like hell.
[23:57] DevilKestrel: Ouuch! *rubs his cheek* Well, now I'm looking like hell, thanks to you.
[23:58] BitterRusset: *scornful* Won't even leave a mark. Get someone to kiss it better for you.
[23:59] DevilKestrel: *looks pitiful, or attempts to* But the only people here are you and me.
[00:00] BitterRusset: Don't you dare. *recoils slightly. declines to offer to her typist whether this is because the idea is repulsive or because she might want to, and THAT=BAD*
[00:02] DevilKestrel: *blinks and pulls away, therefore bumping his head on the wall* Mmph! I -- I was just pointing that out. I wasn't going to do anything.
[00:02] BitterRusset: *with the kind of slightly more helpless anger the proves it was probably the latter suggestion (:D):* You'd better not, damn you.
[00:06] DevilKestrel: I won't. Don't you trust me? *scrambles backwards on the bed, away from the wall, so he's sort of ..lying down and looking up at Zara*
[00:06] BitterRusset: *ahhh could you possibly lie any worse way Theo ahhh?* No. Why in hell should I?
[00:10] DevilKestrel: ....Because I'm trustworthy?
[00:11] BitterRusset: *with a sudden quality of acute misery in the rage* You damn well are not!
[00:12] DevilKestrel: *looks hurt for a moment, then goes back to sort-of silly* And why not?
[00:13] BitterRusset: *collects herself* Just look at you. Why'd I trust a face like that?
[00:16] DevilKestrel: *shrugs* I've no idea. 'Cause you like me?
[00:17] BitterRusset: You wish I did!
[00:19] DevilKestrel: *pouts, playfully of course* Yes, I do. *is not lying! And this is AU!Anti!OTP, so ..really not lying. I make no sense. Hi.*
[00:20] BitterRusset: *...really?*
[00:21] BitterRusset: You can go on wishing, for all I care. I don't give a damn about you.
[00:21] DevilKestrel: *REALLY really! Ignore the typist.* .....Oh.
[00:21] BitterRusset: *OOOOH* *bitterly* And don't forget it.
[00:22] DevilKestrel: *stares at the ceiling* I won't, don't worry.
[00:24] BitterRusset: *looks straight ahead, then, arms folded bitter-sad-angry*
[00:25] DevilKestrel: *disgustedly, but mostly at himself* Hell. *leans forward and kisses, lingering for a few seconds*
[00:27] BitterRusset: *goes stock(ha!)still, but doesn't wrench away as quick as she should*
[00:28] DevilKestrel: *pulls back, slightly amazed that he is not being attacked by the scratchcat* .....Well.
[00:29] BitterRusset: *glares* Well yourself, you fool.
[00:30] DevilKestrel: *laughs a little* I'm a fool, yes. And I can prove it. *leans forward and kisses again!*
[00:31] BitterRusset: *just as long as he's forewarned that she has a very sharp love--knots one hand roughly in his shirt, and clutches his shoulder hard enough to put her nails in, and kisses hard*
[00:34] DevilKestrel: *continues kissing, a little desperately, then pulls away for a quick breath*
[00:35] BitterRusset: Hate you. *hell with breathing! kisses him again*
[00:38] DevilKestrel: *kisses back, pulling her close* Mmm. Hate you too.
[00:39] BitterRusset: *between kisses:* Don't smirk at me, I don't care what we're doing. I'm not some weak little village girl. It doesn't mean a damn' thing.
[00:39] DevilKestrel: *also between kisses* 'M not smirking. Honest. And I never said you were.
[00:40] BitterRusset: I just don't mean for you to forget. *is certainly drawing a little blood with those nails*
[00:42] DevilKestrel: I won't, then. *shifts a little and kisses her cheek* Promise.
[00:43] BitterRusset: Good. *and if you know her, you'll recognise a little touch--a tiny touch of relief in her voice*
[00:46] DevilKestrel: *smiles, shy for who the hell knows what reason* Yes.
[00:47] BitterRusset: *clutches him a little closer* Don't know why the hell, y'know.
[00:48] DevilKestrel: *wraps his arms around her shoulder* Why the hell what?
[00:50] BitterRusset: Why I--
[00:50] BitterRusset: *presses--a little*
[00:51] DevilKestrel: Oh. *kisses her cheek again* Does it matter, that much?
[00:52] BitterRusset: I guess maybe not. *and her cheeks are very thin, and her hands are very cold, and she kisses him again*
[00:54] DevilKestrel: Alright. *kisses back, gently, and pulls her closer*
[00:59] BitterRusset: *makes a very soft snarl and submits to being pulled, and submits to kissing gently, even*
[01:01] DevilKestrel: *smiles very shyly and pulls away a little* Sorry.
[01:01] BitterRusset: Don't go and apologise.
[01:03] DevilKestrel: *grins* Not even if I apologise for apologising?
[01:03] BitterRusset: Don't even.
[01:04] DevilKestrel: *smirks*
[01:05] BitterRusset: Don't smirk at me, damn you. *has enough pride to pull away, thankyou*
[01:06] DevilKestrel: Well, what can I do, then?
[01:07] BitterRusset: I don't know, just--don't do that.
[01:07] DevilKestrel: *lies back and smiles* Alright.
[01:08] BitterRusset: *settles down beside him, although settles is not enough a rough word for her action*
[01:09] DevilKestrel: *glances at her and smiles a bit more*
[01:16] DevilKestrel: ...*does not cuddle. No. This is not Mickle, and does not cuddle.*
[01:18] BitterRusset: *yeah, you'd get elbowed for that. but you can touch her hair, she won't mind*
[01:18] DevilKestrel: *strokes her hair lightly, then, nearly asleep*
[01:18] BitterRusset: *prickles a little, but doesn't discourage it, and edges closer*
[01:19] DevilKestrel: *kisses her cheek again and closes his eyes, grinning a little* 'M sorry. I'm rather falling asleep.
[01:20] BitterRusset: S'fine. *pokes him* Fall to sleep, I don't care.
[01:22] DevilKestrel: *squeaks sleepily* Fine, then.
[01:23] BitterRusset: *settles down beside him* I'll just watch nobody comes barging in or something.
[01:24] DevilKestrel: Alright. *kisses her cheek* G'night, then.
[01:25] BitterRusset: 'Night.

zara, anti!otp

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