. . . . . .

Sep 19, 2005 09:38

I really am idiotic sometimes.

[21:33] Cabbarus: *walks in, yay, or, y'know, NOT YAY AT ALL*
[21:34] Theo: ...*NOT YAY AT ALL, THANK YOU*
[21:36] Cabbarus: *smiles faintly upon spotting Theo*
[21:37] Theo: *the opposite of smiling!*
[21:38] Cabbarus: *nods cordially* Young Kestrel.
[21:40] Theo: ...*full-on glares*
[21:40] Cabbarus: *smirks a bit*
[21:41] Theo: *glares some more, looking..very Kestrely*
[21:42] Cabbarus: Killed many people lately?
[21:42] Theo: Unfortunately, no, or we would be less one snakey bastard, wouldn't we?
[21:44] Cabbarus: Goodness, rather bloodthirsty, are we?
[21:45] Theo: *feral grin* Perhaps.
[21:45] Cabbarus: Not that that's overly surprising, really.
[21:47] Theo: *eyebrows* Oh?
[21:47] Cabbarus: It seems you always have been, hm?
[21:48] Theo: *smirks* I wouldn't say that.
[21:48] Cabbarus: Well, as I heard, you *did* shoot your own beloved in a blood rage.
[21:50] Theo: *flinches* *growling* I thought she was a Regian.
[21:50] Cabbarus: Ah, so all Regians deserve to die.
[21:52] Theo: *face darkens* Yes. They did. Then. They killed my -- Stock. And countless others.
[21:54] Cabbarus: Ah. And how many lovers and friends and children and fathers did *you* kill?
[21:55] Theo: . . . . . . . .They deserved it, damn it!
[21:56] Cabbarus: Every single one of them?
[21:57] Theo: *eyes flash* Yes. Yes, they did.
[21:58] Cabbarus: The *cooks* for the Regian army, who never harmed a soul?
[21:59] Theo: That was Justin. Not Kestrel. *is probably lying. Actually, most definitely lying*
[22:00] Cabbarus: But did they deserve it? You said all Regians deserved death.
[22:02] Theo: ....*scowls* ..Yes, damn it, they did. And so do you.
[22:03] Cabbarus: Of course. Butcher.
[22:03] Theo: In this case, I'll wear the title gladly.
[22:05] Cabbarus: Those poor Regian children you would gladly send to their deaths.
[22:08] Theo: *searches for ...some sort of stabby thing* There's no-one here but you, is there?
[22:08] Cabbarus: Why do you ask?
[22:08] Theo: ...*smirks* No reason.
[22:09] Cabbarus: *narrows his eyes slightly*
[22:10] Theo: *continues his search* Yes?
[22:14] Cabbarus: I am watching you.
[22:14] Theo: *carelessly* Oh, are you? That's good to know.
[22:16] Cabbarus: *steeples his fingers in thought*
[22:19] Theo: *totally continues looking for stabbyness*
[22:21] Cabbarus: *watches him warily*
[22:23] Theo: ...*is totally ..still looking for stabby things*
[22:27] Cabbarus: *totally still watching Theo*
[22:30] Theo: *might just steal stabby things from Achilles*
[22:31] Cabbarus: *is not utterly keen on being stabbied*
[22:31] Kestrel: ..*is keen on stabbying SOMEONE. Since there's no one else, it's Cabbarus! Yay? >:D*
[22:31] Cabbarus: *notes that there's Belial and Icarus!*
[22:32] Kestrel: *but doesn't know them.*
[22:32] Cabbarus: *Bah*
[22:33] Kestrel: *...has killed innocent people before! But only Regians*
[22:34] Cabbarus: *hasn't done ANYTHING!*
[22:34] Kestrel: *YEAH, RIGHT*
[22:34] Cabbarus: *Really! Just trying to BETTER MY COUNTRY.*
[22:35] Kestrel: *ignores any leering, grabs a sword from Achilles, and eyes Cabbarus*
[22:36] Cabbarus: *narrows his eyes* You'd attack an unarmed man?
[22:37] Kestrel: You're never unarmed.
[22:38] Cabbarus: *spreads his hands out* Am I not?
[22:40] Kestrel: *smiiiirks* I doubt it.
[22:42] Cabbarus: So you wish to add another to your body count, then. I'm *honored* to be the one chosen.
[22:45] Kestrel: Only yours, and you've been on the list for quite some time.
[22:47] Cabbarus: How unfortunate for me. And here I thought you heroic types went for those ironic justices like leaving their adversaries alive in a world where they had no power.
[22:51] Kestrel: *eyebrows, growling* I should have killed you when I had the chance.
[22:52] Cabbarus: But you didn't, did you?
[22:52] Kestrel: No, Skeit did. *smirks*
[22:53] Cabbarus: True.
[22:53] Kestrel: *fingers his stabby thing*
[22:54] Cabbarus: *clasps his hands behind his back* You know, I've heard this place has certain interesting properties. Really, nobody ever stays dead.
[22:57] Kestrel: *twitches* I know. Keller and Liberation are baclk.
[22:57] Kestrel: *back
[22:57] Cabbarus: Then wouldn't murdering me be rather a waste of effort?
[22:57] Kestrel: ...But it'd be ever so satisfying. And then I could do it again. And again. And again.
[22:57] Cabbarus: And you claim not to be bloodthirsty?
[22:58] Kestrel: *stretches lazily* I'm Kestrel, you bastard. I never denied it.
[22:58] Cabbarus: *walks calmly over to the closet* I see.
[23:01] Kestrel: ...*tenses and stalks slowly over to him* What are you doing?
[23:02] Cabbarus: *opens the door and reaches into the plothole, pulling out a gun which he calmly cocks and points at our fearless heeero* I opted not to remain unarmed.
[23:02] Kestrel: *is...psycho!heeero at the moment* You never were.
[23:03] Cabbarus: Only in that I was in possession of my arms. Which I also intend to keep.
[23:04] Kestrel: Oh? Pity you won't be here to use them, then. *lunges*
[23:05] Cabbarus: *fires*
[23:06] Kestrel: ...*ACK! Shot. In the arm, but shot*
[23:06] Cabbarus: *cocks the gun again* Care to try that again?
[23:09] Theo: *grabs at his arm and stumbles backwards* I'd be much obliged if you used it on yourself.
[23:10] Cabbarus: *smirks slightly* I'm sure you would.
[23:11] Theo: *manages a glare and stumbles over to flop on a couch* Though I have had worse.
[23:12] Cabbarus: Rampaging about in a bloodrage tends to do that to one. Not that I would know from personal experience.
[23:13] Theo: *sits up and glares* I wasn't talking about that. I was talking of Carolia, which, if I recall, -you- organized.
[23:16] Cabbarus: Did I, now.
[23:16] Theo: Yes, you did. *rubs at his arm irritably*
[23:17] Theo: *and, stalks off to find Witz and get ..militaryish doctoring from him*

[23:17] Pylades24601: Theo: *is here, and grumpy, and bleeding*
[23:19] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: *is also here! and-- woah, bleeding* Sir!
[23:20] Pylades24601: Theo: *salutes half-heartedly* 'Lo, General.
[23:21] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: Beg-- beg to inquire, what happened, sir?!
[23:23] Pylades24601: Theo: *still holding his arm* ...The 'director' happened.
[23:25] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: Should I fetch a doctor, sir..?
[23:26] Pylades24601: Theo: ..Torrens' typist has gone to bed, unfortunately.
[23:28] Pylades24601: Theo: ...Think you could do anything?
[23:28] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: It's unsafe, sir, to leave such an injury untended for so long. There must be someone else about, or something else to be done..! If I may be so bold, sir, I have read a little...
[23:29] Pylades24601: Theo: ..*grins, and pokes at his arm slightly* Well, then. Have at me.
[23:31] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: *...prods nervously* Did he shoot you, sir?
[23:32] Pylades24601: Theo: *winces* Ouch! Yes, he did.
[23:34] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: My apologies, sir! Did you happen to notice if it came back out, sir?
[23:36] Pylades24601: Theo: ..I didn't, sorry. *prods at it* ...I think it did.
[23:40] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: I think, sir, it needs only bandaging, though I haven't anything...
[23:40] Pylades24601: Theo: ...Oh. *pokes at it again* Erm. ...Will a shirt do?
[23:41] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: I think so, sir, though of course you would want to find something better, later.
[23:43] Pylades24601: Theo: ...True. Perhaps Torrens can help tomorrow. *rummages around and finds a shirt*
[23:44] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: *er, bandages! not very well, likely, as he has mostly no clue what he's doing*
[23:44] Pylades24601: Theo: *doesn't care, as long as he's bandaged* Thank you, General.
[23:44] Lady Pontmercy: Witz: *salutes!* You're welcome, sir!

..*pokes at arm* I think I might need someone to look at this.
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