not dead

May 01, 2008 11:39

hello, livejournal. i have abandoned you, mostly for facebook. it's shameful, i know. but things just haven't been all that interesting in my life lately.

the semester went by relatively quickly. i came to sort of love one of my professors, gregg flaxman. he looks like an elf. he also is giving us our grades before we even turn in our final papers, because he really doesn't care. which means i will hand him the worst paper ever in a little over a week. yay! teaching-wise, things were alright. the science unit was awful, so i'll definitely have to change that by next year. business unit was alright. the humanities unit was great, but really overcrowded. i made them read 5 short stories and then watch a film adaptation of each. so it was a lot of work, but whatever. almost everyone did really well. I did have one D student, but it's mostly because he was absent ALL THE TIME. if it was just based on his grades, he would've had a B or a B-. he didn't even do the extra credit. what an idiot.

i had my wisdom teeth out a few days ago. they were partially erupted, so they did it while i was awake; i just had some novacaine. i think actually getting the novacaine injections was the worst part. i cried a little, because i'm totally a wimp. it also kind of sucked that they had to stretch my mouth open way past it's normal boundaries. the other thing that's weird is that i hadn't really thought about the fact that i would have large holes in my gums. i mean, it makes sense, but until i actually looked in the mirror, i hadn't pictured actual holes. they are gross.

this summer should be good, except not for the whole "i should be saving money" thing. i'm going to the beach for a week starting May 11th. and sometime in June, jason, anthony, brian & i are supposed to go on that roadtrip. I think we may have to shorten it or something. we're at least going to chicago (which is where anthony lives)
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