Apr 10, 2010 17:03
I run, and play, a lot of roleplaying games. Apparently I don't do a shabby job of either, from the feedback I get. It has occurred to me recently that there might be something in all this that would make useful material - either as a way of working through ideas, or as a way of offering thoughts to others on ways to improve their games.
I used to co-run a quite successful roleplaying advice website back in the day. My ideas have changed an awful lot since then, but I think I'm feeling up to framing the things I've learned in an organised way.
I am proposing either a filter on this LJ or a separate website with articles and entries mirrored here (or simply linked). I would *not* be reviewing individual roleplaying systems or doing write-ups of sessions of my own campaigns (as the main body of material; I may refer to them to support examples). I would be writing articles that outline a particular problem, phenomenon or practice within tabletop or freeform roleplaying and then exploring ideas and techniques that I have used, seen or theorised that relate to those. I'm not interested in doing a "my way is the best evar!" type thing, and with other contributions I would be looking for different perspectives. Overall, my entries and the tone of the blog would be focused on game narrative and story building, and very little on mechanics except as a tool to serve story.
It's still in development as an idea, though.
So, I thought I'd ask you lot what you think!
Poll Roleplaying Blog idea