Selective Color, Channel Mixer; not translateble to other programs than Photoshop
STEP A Start preparing your base. Do whatever you do to your base (resize, sharpen, etc.).
this texture (by
kakapum) and set it to Multiply at 100%. Erase that parts, that cover her face.
STEP C Then go to Layer -> New Adjustment Layers -> Selective Color:
Reds: -30, 20, 11, 14
Yellows: -40, -21, 21, 21
Cyans: 100, 0, 0, 100
Magentas: 0, 100, 0, 0
Neutrals: 12, -5, -21, 2
STEP D Then Layer -> New Adjustment Layers -> Hue/Saturation:
0, 25, 0
STEP E Another Adjustment Layer -> Channel Mixer:
Red: 102, 10, 16
Green: 2, 100, 0
Blue: 0, 0, 90
STEP F Then paste
that texture (by
mata090680 above everything. Pull it to the lower right edge and set it to Lighten at 100%.
STEP G I added tiny text then.