Ok, I have nothing interesting to say about myself so I'm just gonna post links to interesting things I have found on the internet!
Vibrating Soap! (very strange...)
http://www.crazyaboutgadgets.com/detail.asp?ID=312 All of the stuff on this website is interesting, but the bacon wallet is especially bizarre
http://www.mcphee.com/items/11653.html Funny video of this old guy
Ok, I'm sorry, Jennifer has already posted this, but it just cracks me up so I had to post it too
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaiJIbweU6g This website is just really funny. You have to keep reading the facts, they get funnier.
http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com/ You know those pictures that all have a black border, a big encouraging word, and some kind of inspirational message at the bottom? This website uses those pictures but puts them with different messages. All of the messages are on the top. Look through them, they're funny.
http://despair.com/viewall.html Interesting optical illusions. Make sure to have your volume on and do all of them! Teehehe...
http://www.liquidgeneration.com/Media/Default.aspx?MediaId=236 Funny comics here:
http://www.funkysmell.com/ This is cheesy and totally girly, but sort of fun to do if you're really bored. You have to make a name and password before you can do it, but it's really easy.
http://www.kiddonet.com/premium/makeup/center3.htm Ok well, I have to go see a patient now, but y'all have fun with those links!