Naked and porcine pink, kneeling down with greening porcelain all about, flopping between my legs. Grubbing hairs out with the fingertips working blind in the hole. Fingers through water standing since the last time, swirling the murk and silt into dancing spirals. This black mess I'm piling next to the drain, mess of hairs black with dirt and skin
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Plumbing, with every sanitary flush, with every gleaming knob and valve, every glint on the surface of the porcelain, is meant to allow you efficiently to forget about the fact of your personal self. One quick flush and you're gone. The public bathroom is meant to be clean, devoid of matter-out-of-place - shit, piss and homey decoration - devoid of signs of the very human presence for which it is intended. But with each raised and lowered seat, every splash of urine, every tear of toilet paper littering the floor, the bathroom and its plumbing point to the impossibility of keeping intimacy (the personal) out of the public, and of keeping the sovereign individual free of contamination. Thus, paradoxically, plumbing also connects you to every other denizen in the communal rush to separation.
"Lesson Number 1: No one likes your doo-doo. It goes somewhere secret, or it stays in your butt."
Anyway, I guess lately I've just been thinking that people shouldn't be able to get off so easily. Turning a blind eye to an uncomfortable truth, or forgetfullness... The things most people want to cast away are the things I want, in some perverse fashion. I want to live the uncomfortable truth and remember the things I want to forget. I don't know how well I'm doing.
if you wanna you can read the full margaret morgan article here, apparently:
I'll read that article. For some reason I thought it was book-length and was a little bit less sure I would be able to push all the way through.
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