I interviewed my friend Kyle last night for that article. Totally awesome interview, and he has a few leads for me for other alt comedy show hosts. I. Am. Excite.
Then this happened:
he semi-co-hosts the open mic I'm going to this Sunday, the one I've signed up for twice and don't get any time, so he told me that if I don't get called this time he is going to walk me across the street to the a really shitty assholey open mic and make me do it there. He's serious. And now I'm like OH FUCK WHAT AM I GOING TO DO.
I'm kinda freaking out because I'm still not sure I'm ready for it. Everyone says its jut a matter of getting up and doing it and sucking if you have to, but just do it. But my perfectionist OCD self is like NO NO NO I NEED MORE TIME I DON'T HAVE JOKES OH GOD IM NOT FUNNY FOREVER ALONE AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! And AAAAAAAAGH.
What the fuck am I doing? I'm fisting the comedy scene and expecting no one to notice. I'm fuh-reaking out right now.
I was supposed to be trying to pump myself up for this sunday with this post, but I think I just wound up freaking myself out more. I'm not backing out. But GRAAAAAAAH I'm AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
Maybe I'll die before Sunday? That'd be awesome.
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