Feb 17, 2005 14:43
Well, today was alright. The dumbass I am, I didn't set my alarm this morning and woke up at 11. No school for Fred. I sat home and watched Farenheight 9/11. This movie pisses me off, because I feel Michael Moore's points are from complete bullshit. That's my opinion. I got started on this book for Mr. Oliver I have to read. It's boring, but that only thing keeping me reading it is the fact that it takes palce in Ancient Egypt. After reading a mere chapter, I finally sat down and wrote out my music for Mr. Timer's class. Then I ate a chicken sandwich I made and had an adight lunch. I kind of wish I didn't msis school today though. They're reading The Divine Comedy in Oliver's class and I don't want to miss it, since i'm reading it at home myself. I was going to sit down and do Dixon's homework, but realzied I don't have the book. Joe has my copy. So, i'm fucked in that area.
School: I must say, as the days go on, I seem to care less and less about school. It's just so boring and I have no ambition to even want to go. I woke up at 11 and just shunned off the fact that I was "truent." Oh well, i'll just go tomorrow....
So, tomorrow is the dance that Maggie is taking me too. Should be fun. It'll just be weird since all my friends won't be there. It's just me! The Harvest Dance was by far the best, since we all sang Bon Jovi - Living On A Prayer and Queen - We Are The Champions. It will be hard to do again, but i'll do my best to have a great time tomorrow. Can't wait to see Maggie. It's been like a week already and i've just been sitting at home or going out for like 2 hours a night. Not too fun. But, I make due with what I have.
I'm starting to get into one of my phases again. I miss all my friends being together... I was sitting at home last night and thought about the old days with the Council. Those were good days that I wish still existed. I still don't understand FULLY what broke everyone apart. The other night it was fun hanging out with Mark, Roofer and Shawn again. Just chillen and talking about what's going on in our lives. I love that stuff. I promise you, we will be together again guys.
On a final note, I want to state that I do in fact have a prom date now. I asked Maggien last night and she immediately said yes. Only downside is that I have to go look at dresses with her... I'm not what you would call a good shopper for clothes. I'm just glad she going instead of it being a repeat of last year. I asked this girl to my Jr. Prom like 3 weeks before hand who seemed she really didn't care. And the fact that Maggie is my girlfriend makes it all the better. I'd rather go with my girlfriend then just a friend. And I don't mean that in an asshole way. I mean, the prom is probably one of the most important days of our lives to date. It will be fucknig fun!
Well, i'm going to go look for something to do now. I'm BORED AS SHIT! Later
- Fred