Franklin and Bash - 1.04 mini gifspam

Jun 28, 2011 10:58

So, Franklin and Bash put a pool table inside Damien's office and held a party and made sure that when they get caught, they'd have a reason for it (erm, Damien's ~50th surprise birthday was not his birthday. Nor was he fifty). Anywho, Damien tells everybody to go back to work and Franklin, in response, tells Damien that in their battle to woo Hanna, he's pulling ahead of him (Damien) because he (Franklin) knows how to have fun.

Damien responds with his "O RLY" face and borrows Bash's guitar.


Seriously, though. Did Franklin and Bash thought that the snazzy guitar they won from Damien in the bet last episode was just for show? Tsk, tsk. Just got pwned in the guitar skills department, guys. (And I don't know why Hanna doesn't know about this either). lulz.

+ Also, remember when I bribed everybody to support their local Dollhouse? If you want to collect on that bribe, I can make icons, wps (and probably ficlets, but... yeah. lol). Just leave a comment with your choice of fandom/character and whether you want it icon'ed or wp'ed. (Also, we won)

+ And check out the fuck yeah RD tumblr (new layout because that's what I did instead of studying. *bats eyelashes*)

post in bullets, !reed diamond is love, gifspam, telebisyon: franklin and bash

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