Pimp pimp pimp

May 02, 2011 22:15

First things first: Olivia in Case Sensitive (ITV1) later at 9 PM... if you're in the UK. I've pimped this at oliviawilliams and at dewitt_dominic (I made the font of the comm bigger, btw). It'll be around 4 AM of May 3rd (wtf, May 3nd. What is that, dear god!) here (4 PM, May 2nd EST), so I'll probably be still asleep. Plus, no more free wifi for me because I think my neighbor realized that he/she's the only one left in the neighborhood with a password-less wifi. lol.

Second thing:

25,000 words. Any Fandom. Any Het Pairing.

Author Sign Up I Artist Sign Up I Beta Sign Up I Cheerleading Sign Up

Author Sign Ups - May 1st to June 1st
Optional Checkpoint - July 15th
Writer's Mandatory Checkpoint - August 15th
Artist Claiming - August 20th
Art and Fics Due - September 25th
Debut Date (DD) - September 30th

FAQ here!

I put up a few plot bunnies and I may or may not participate (Yes, school starts the end of May, but since I've never been this excited about law school, I'm thinking it's possible I can participate in a big bang. Yes. Maybe. Yes).

That is all.

real life, law school is going to destroy my life, !olivia williams is love, pimp pimp pimp

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