Apr 21, 2011 15:50

I am in no mood to do anything remotely creative. My tumblr is at a standstill because I'm too lazy to continue my Reed/Olivia/DeWitt/Dominic spam. My entry for the Palanca Awards is at a standstill because my writing muse hasn't shown up since... since I finished ASITHoL AU #1.

Augh. And I have this headache. I don't know if it's because of the heat or because of dehydration or because I'm not breathing enough air. What is this life.

I don't like this. My brain.


I want to eat mangoes. Lots and lots of mangoes. Or red velvet cupcakes that my brother baked. Those were delicious. Or ice cream. Or mango ice cream. Red velvet ice cream? Hmm, ice cream.

real life, *insert name of food here* is awesome, preoccupied with thoughts of food, we need moar gifs

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